The Atlantic | March 2003 | Caring for Your Introvert | Rauch
Ah, so I can now call myself "introvert" instead of "anti-social."
Right. Cheers. Thanks alot.
The Atlantic | March 2003 | Caring for Your Introvert | Rauch
(T)witchy Woman
D and the Jehova's Witness Missionaries
There are oh so many reasons why I love Allison. Not only is she gorgeous, and smart, funny, keeper of the cutest cats in all the world, and my "supplier" of good literary tips....she's drawing a beag for us to use for Hound Rescue. - Wife runs over husband in parking lot, police say - Transplant teen has severe brain damage
Simple! A cure for insomnia....
Can't get you out of my my head.....
Beagle News
Foreign Films
Forced Charity
You know that one of my steadfast rules in life is that lime makes everything taste better, right? Well, I thought I'd share with you my version of a "Michelada" which is really just a low-brow mexican style shandy.
Sort-Of Game
The stench, good god, the stench!
Baby, it's positively chilly out there!
Much Obliged
Playse Exploooyn (tm: Pauline Hanson)
What this girl really wants...
Just Trying to be Helpful...
Somedays, the burbs aren't so bad....
Morrissey - Everyday Is Like Sunday
Warning: Sad Beagle Story
There are STARVING! people in my office....
Always Welcom in our House
When it is cold and greay (<---apparently I couldn't decide between a or e, though I usually go with e) outside...
Conspiracy of Idiocy
(Warning: "Bad" Words Ahead!)
I'll never get voted Ms.Congeniality
For those keeping score at home:
O ye’ll tak’ the high road and I’ll tak’ the low road, | Entertainment | Aussie behind Joe Millionaire (January 31, 2003)
I don't look for trouble...