Monday, February 03, 2003

I don't look for trouble...

trouble looks for me.

So, you ask, did you get that enormous "to do" list done THIS weekend? Well, funny you should ask, because the answer is no.


Trim still needs to be painted (ugh, I'm sure Kelly can sympathize), touch-up paint still needs to be done, carpets only half-cleaned, laundry to sort, etc etc etc.

Whatever was I doing?

Well, understand that at the moment we've got a "full inn" with regards to the hairy beasts. Ginger has been with us for just over a week. She is tiny and cute and has settled in just fine. She was staying with us during her heartworm treatment as dogs going through treatment really do need to be monitored throughout the day in case of any problems. Her foster mom was assigned to the latest space mission (RIP Colombia) and was going to be pretty much unavailable for intense monitoring. We anticipated that she was going to go back to her foster home this weekend and were lined up to take Kyle who is currently in a kennel. Well, as her mom works in psychological support at NASA, I'm assuming that Ginger will be with us for a while longer. She and the entire NASA family has been on our minds since the tragedy.

So, innocently, Saturday the D and I went to pick up some groceries. As we got out of our car a big black beauty came loping by with no owner to be seen. So we checked his collar. No tags. :( He was, literally, covered in shit and looked pretty panicked. Not good. So we shoved all 70 lbs of him into the small kennel that we usually have in the car for beagle business, retched and gagged from the smell all the way home, and threw him in the backyard for a bath. He cleaned up really well. We've posted "found" notices but so far no response. "Rufus" as we're calling him is the most gorgeous dog. Kennel trained, house trained and obedience trained. We still have yet to hear one bark out of him. He's got to be someone's dog, so we're hoping someone is looking for him. If not, I guess he'll be with us until we can find him a good home.

Needless to say, our weekend plans were pretty much moot. In all though, I'd rather be doing doggy stuff than painting trim any day. D said it was a rather elaborate way to procrastinate on the trim one more weekend.

How was you weekend?


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