Thursday, April 29, 2004

The clogs were such a hit, that I must confess that I have a pair of my own on their wayto me now.

D wears his EVERYWHERE. Very cute, and apparently quite comfy... he says they form a hermetic seal on his feet.

Wednesday, April 28, 2004



Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Squirrels = Little Winos in Furry Suits

Our dogs live to spot squirrels on their walk at night. They go absolutely apeshit. It is like the pinnacle of their existence. We usually see lots of squirrels, but they are scattering off through the trees. It is very exciting!

The other night we were walking along, on the look out for squirrels, when suddenly! Up ahead! On the path! A veritable coterie of squirrels. How rare! Not only that, they stared blankly at our maniacal, howling, frothing herd with blank expressions. Seriously. They had a death wish. At the very last moment they kind of stumbled off into the brush.

As we approached the scene of their gathering we understood what what was going on. There on the path were the shattered remains of a vodka bottle some kiddie had probably pilfrered from mum and dad's liquor cabinet for a secret group swill in the paths. D reckons he saw one of the squirrels holding and licking a bit of the glass.

All in all very comical.

Monday, April 26, 2004

...last thing I want to see is an aveola showing... - McDonald's Japan founder dies - Apr 26, 2004

It's an epidemic.

Friday, April 23, 2004

Lesson learned (again): A day full of annoyances and misunderstandings can be easily defused, on the back deck, in the warm breeze, a bottle of wine and a sympathetic ear.

Thursday, April 22, 2004

I'm exhausted. It has been a long day. I'll just say this: Why can't people just be straight with each other? What does it serve to not be upfront and then expect the other party to somehow just understand something that has never been articulated?

Monday, April 19, 2004

A Momentous Weekend!

(Alternate title: A totally suburban weekend!)

So, we were totally flat out this weekend. I actually took the day of friday. One of my coworkers commented on how he thought it was funny that I called days off "being on holiday" whether or not I was vacationing. Usually I'm not. Usually I take a day off to take care of domestic issues, or just to take a day off an do nothing. Either way, technically it is a holiday from my paid work.

This friday we dropped Lills off for her spay and had an appointment with someone to come clean our ducts. Excitement! The filth and mold they found in our ducts and our AC unit were not only revolting, but a costly thing to remove. What ever. At least that is one chore taken care of, and the bonus is our AC is actually blowing air...cold air! How novel. Lilly's spay went just fine and she has not missed a beat.

Saturday D and I ran down to Bones 2 Go to get the herd their feed for the month. D also picked up a lamb haunch for himself. It was his birthday sunday, and on top of the cheesemaking kit... he decided a lamb leg would be a good gift. I don't even know he's going to fit that in the oven. I think he's going to cook it on the grill. Poor lambkins.

We also went to Canino's Produce (and visted all the stands in the back as well) where we picked up veggies for us and the beasts. I love going to the markets! There is such beautiful fruit out at the moment, plus I always go across the street and get a "raspa" and "elote" while I'm there and revel in my latina roots. We also visited the taco trucks out the back. Mmmm.... I love taco trucks! This weekend I picked up several pounds of the fresh beets, as my fridge pickled beets grew quite a little fan base since my last batch. I also picked up a few pounds of vidalia onions and other yummy fresh treats.

I turned the onions into a lovely little carmelized onion tart for a party our street had that night. I know! How suburban is that? Party in the culdesac! It was handily timed though, as I had arranged for one of our neighbours to sneakily arrange a birthday cake for D. He was totally mortified at being made a spectacle of. Mission accomplished.

Sunday we spent the day lazing around, I pickled stuff, and made the dogs their vegetable pap. It was D's birthday! All he wanted to do was NOTHING after several days of driving/errands/chores/socializing. He passed out on the couch watching a baseball game and I passed out in the hammock. It was lovely!

So yeah, that was my weekend. Don't envy me! ;)

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Here's Lilly!

She was "Saffy" for a day, but it didn't really suit her. Now she's Lilly. Short for "lilliputian." You know, because she's soooooooo teeny tiny. (You see, actually she is not. Tiny that is.) Ha! Aren't we hilarious?

I'm thinking she's got collie and terrier, what do you think? She really is very good for a puppy. She's going to be a very big girl, she's already bigger than the Olls and is only just now shedding her baby teeth. She only has that fluffy-wiry fur on her muzzle and on her socks. Isn't she just cute as cute can be?

She goes in for her spay friday and then she'll be ready for adoption! Let's hope her real family is out there somewhere already looking for her.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Where am I again?

I'm a bit out of sorts lately. I think I've got spring fever. Meanwhile, we've got a new pup in the house. We're still in the honeymoon phase with her, but she just lost a tooth this morning. You know what this means..... Pups make me crazy.

She is cute as cute can be, so who knows, she may be in a new home before you know it.

Thursday, April 08, 2004

No, I don't know why there are big ass margins at the top and bottom of this page. Yes, someday I will grow up and have a "real" webpage. No, it's not friday yet (despite my brain's continual attempts to convince us). Yes, my husband is a big KNOB about his new cell phone. No, the counter fermented sour pickles did not poison us. Yes, the pickled beets are divine. No, my new garden hasn't died yet. Yes, the cheesemaking excitement is well justified.

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

B12.....In with the In Crowd!(and hip!) (hip! get it?)

Um, I had a b12 shot once......does that make me happening and with it? I don't have a stylistic photo of it like this though...

Let me explain. My grandfather is a GP (still is, even though he's just turned 95!) At
the end of one of my semesters at Rice I was beyond exhausted. Done in. I remember I had a cold/virus/ick/something that just wouldn't go away. I had been only half-alive for weeks (and miles to go before I rested, etc). Finals were due. I was running on empty and I was beyond exhausted. My intrepid grandfather suggested a wee b12 shot as an alternative to dropping dead from sheer exhaustion and general "I've had enough"ness. Either that, or he figured the sheer pain of it would act as placebo enough for my body to pull itself up by its bootstraps and muddle through.

Um. That bitch hurt like you wouldn't believe. Like a tetnus shot! When was the last time you had one of those? They are WICKED painful. Immobilizing your arm for weeks. Like that. That's how a b12 shot is. Thick and horrible and bruisingly painful awfulness. That's why they give it to you in your bum., so that you don't become immobilized (like I did when I had a tetnus shot my freshman my arm). Mine was administered by one of the ancient/wizened nurses that has worked for my ol' gramps for like forty years. The one with the scary long plastic fingernails. She said "You better hold on, because this is really going to hurt." No shit.

Not only did it hurt, it manifested itself a horrible metallic taste in my mouth. I commented on that to my cousin Nunki (yes, that's his real name...Nunki Jesus) and he told me that some people take b12 shots in advance of going to the tropics. Apparently it makes you so hideously stinky to mosquitos that they avoid biting you. That information did not exactly make me feel better. I remember thinking "Great, not only am I exhausted and snotty and ready to die....I now am even revolting to mosquitos."

I don't know that it made me feel better. I guess it helped since I didn't die, and did in fact finish finals etc with little to no injury to myself or my grades.

Anyways, there you go....I was as cool as Naomi....and didn't even know it!

Monday, April 05, 2004

"It became convenient to tell women about their stress, their fears, their woes in the 90's," she said. "I lived through 30 years in the industry, and I did not like what these magazines had become."


Friday, April 02, 2004 - Brawl breaks out at anger management assembly - Apr 2, 2004

Thursday, April 01, 2004

I'm back. From New Orleans. You did know I was going didn't you? Well, I'm back anyways. Geez, I love New Orleans. Especially when the weather is as beautiful as it was Tuesday and Wednesday. I ate yummy food and got to walk around the quarter quite a bit on Wednesday before my first meeting. I picked up some olive salad and a muffaletta (from central grocery of course) to bring home for D (and for me!) The meetings were an absolute waste, but whatever, New Orleans!