Wednesday, July 31, 2002 - Report: Dogs are smarter than people think - July 31, 2002

I'm convinced my dogs are smarter than me.


Critter Fixer

Some vets question annual boosters

Hey, one of the critical vets quoted in this article is in Spring...close to me. I wonder if it wouldn't be worth taking the gang to him.


There is nothing more to say.

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

78 weeks sick leave?

Where do I sign up?

The Vocabula Review - July 2002 - Obscene Words - Julian Burnside

Friday, July 26, 2002

Dog recovers after being covered with hot tar

Any question as to why I generally prefer dogs to people. Farkers. - Princeton officials broke into Yale online admissions decisions

Way to go ivy leagues....nice example of ethics there.

Thursday, July 25, 2002

First of all I think it’s a radical egotism. And self-importance. What one wants oneself becomes all important. At the same time as that egotism, you also have a conception of rights. I suppose you can say it’s the libertarian right admixed with an element from the left of a rights-driven agenda.

Interesting read.

The West Virginia Surf Report!

This guy is funny.

Really funny.

Dead pigs fly from truck, almost hit minivan

Liquid manure.

Tuesday, July 23, 2002

Is it any wonder I'm ALWAYS hot?

I swear, I did not stop sweating from Thursday through Sunday of last week.

More than 400 sheep jump to their deaths

It's not just for lemmings anymore.


But funny in a sick way.

Esquire Letter Generator

Unfunny Liz gets the chop (July 23, 2002)

"Liz" is quite repellent to me. Even when she's not trying to be funny. I just don't get the fan base.

Buyers Regret

I don't know if you've noticed but I'm a bit OCD about things at times (shut up). Especially when it comes to second guessing big decisions.

So, you'd think I'm laying awake at night wondering if this was the right house, the right time, the right place etc.

Here's a surprise for all of us, including yours truly, I'm not.

We get up every morning at six (oh god, so early) to walk the critters. It's wonderful. Big open paths through the woods. No fear of drunk vagrants or human excrement. Just quiet and the sounds of animals and an occasional car heading into Houston (suckers!)

Just last night a friend dropped off a second hand lawnmower (thanks Greg!) and we must have been in the backyard. None of us heard the doorbell...not even the dogs.

If I'm upstairs and D is down.....I could swear I was alone in the house.

I know that owning a house is one giant continuous project, but I'm delighted with the project thus far.

Now then, come on you houseguests!

Monday, July 22, 2002

This one's for D.

We survived moving day (or should I say weekend)...but barely.

Ollie is now officially part of our pack.


Thursday, July 18, 2002

The Puzzling Red Wine Headache

I am a sufferer of RWH. It sucks.....

Wednesday, July 17, 2002 - News - Miss Teen Texas Charged With Public Drunkenness

good one!

Clams: British Columbia Shellfish Growers Information Resource System

Do you see this horrendous thing? Last night I hear yelps of horror from the D.....apparently they were slicing and cooking this on the food channel last night

Tuesday, July 16, 2002 Life | What you don't know can kill you

My sister in-law's mother died of was shocking and horrendous.

2002 Results

sheer excellence....

Monday, July 15, 2002



The interview section is frightening. Most of the answers have been nonsensical at best, and completely incoherent at worst. One girl was asked what she would put int a time capsule to represent herself and she said a picture of her family, because she's very close to her family (fair enough) and she's very goal oriented with them (wha...?)....

I guess it popped into her head to mention that she was goal-oriented and a winner.

Another was asked what the most important decision a woman can make in her life was...her answer was to give their life to Jesus Christ. Well, ok, if that's you thing....good on you for being so public with it. But, somehow she burst out with a god is so awesom - we are so awesome - and she's so proud of the US after 9/11. I never realised that god = usa.

Another one as asked to define patriotism and she said patriotism was what has been instilled in us since 9/11. I don't follow. Also, that patriotism was supporting your neighbour and "our" laws.

I'm not claiming I'd be the most eloquent in such a competition (remember, I'm the one that decided to make up the word degradate in a report to the board), but come on....babbling idiots anyone?

How embarassing.

I'm watching the Miss Texas pageant. I'm astounded that they still have pageants.

Anyways, I went to highschool with one of the competitors. I think this is probably one of the last years I'll be able to claim that. She made the top ten (Miss Houston) and also made the top ten last year. She's looking scarily skinny to me.

I may not be able to spot former classmates in coming years, but I'll always be able to claim that I went to highschool...and even played on a softball team with one of the "Women of Enron." After much debate, I actually looked at the picture. Her naked ass in now burned into my memory. I read somewhere that she was the only one that didn't do full frontal for fear of offending her grandparents. Um, yeah, they were proud that you only showed your bare bum.

Ah....growing up in Texas.

One thing I learned tonight, there is a magazine dedicated solely to Pageants....
Pageantry Online! -- Beauty Pageants, Fashion, Modeling News



I close on our house today.

I have another beagle story to tell...but I'm too flustered to write about it now.


The Animal Rescue Site : Feed an Animal in Need

Interesting article on the connection between words and the short-comings of psychiatry.

Friday, July 12, 2002

Corporate Scandal Guide

I don't know about you, but I was totally starting to lose track.

Now, this pretty much only covers the US corporate scandals...

You can imagine what the list would look like if it inlcuded more scandals from outside the US.

Thursday, July 11, 2002

There are times I miss Australia with a deep and keen ache. Right now is one of those times.


Now, fuck off before I get mean on your ass.

Logophilia - Home of the Word Spy

A site I discovered while trying to justify my invention of the word "degradate." (Which degradated belief in my english speaking capabilities.)

Thank you.

I had my usual weekly date last night.

Though, truth be told.....she's my new BFF&F and I can't live without discussing things in minute detail with her every night.

She indulges me in the non-stop dog talk.

She and I track down the obscure but useful websites (ie. paper vaginas ).

We share the beagle love.

I like to call her my online lovah.

As for my other lovah - Poo-features ...I'm thinking that the above dollar bill vagina would be a lovely wedding favour.....

This morning D informed me that I should refer to him as "Phil McCracken" from now on.


Listen to me.

Do you realise I sign for my new house on Monday.

I'm now officially grown up or something.

I'm terrified, me with my committment problems and all.

Also, I think I'm a foster mom failure. I don't think I'll be able to give the Ollie-man up. He loves us. We're his family. He's devoted.

Even if D makes fun of his sad and hanging down scrotum.....

He's a lovely boy.

Wednesday, July 10, 2002

So Ollie got the chop yesterday.

He also had a litany of problems attended to (yeast infection in his ears, UTI, and anal sac issues....the last one you really wanted to know didn't you).....

He's feeling rather sore and sorry for himself today. A lot of mopey face and looking as "poor little boy" as possible.

Last night he decided he'd had enough of having to sleep downstairs in the puppy pen he somehow slid out from underneath it (we're still trying to figure that out, and have a fear that he may be an escape artist)....which woke everyone up.

So D, bless him, went downstairs with the entire gang...I woke this morning to find all four of them sprawled out on the sleepaway couch....with Ollie wedged firmly under D's arm with his nose wedged in D's armpit. Silly Ollie.

Actually, he get's calle "Good Boy Ollie" quite a bit. He likes being called a good boy. It makes him waggly when you say "good boy."

He's finanlly eating, albeit begrudgingly. He's not dumb, he holds out for the goodstuff (ie. boiled chicken and broth)....

Oh, he was quite put out at me when I got him from the vet's yesterday. Turned his back and everything. He also did not want to ride in his crate on the way I let him sit in the front passenger seat (shh, don't tell D)...and he insisted I pat him and call him a good boy all the way home.

Tuesday, July 09, 2002

Were you so totally sick of the pink too?

Jackie French biography

Did you know I have a (not so) secret affinity for wombats? I want to be Jackie French. Except for the demented lyre birds part.

Cattle death ship rejected [10jul02]


Monday, July 08, 2002

This is insane. / Culture & sports

Interesting read.

Sunday, July 07, 2002

Ollie (the foster beag) came to live with us Friday. So far, it has been far easier than I'd prepared myself for. More details later, I'm still feeling pretty ranty about picking him up from doggy death row.

It drives me insane how people treat their dogs as a disposable commodity.

He is the loveliest boy ever.....

Friday, July 05, 2002

Our Foster Baby

Well, I'm going to go pick him (the doggy that is "URGENT") today. Did you know that the animal control facility where he is kills over 2000 animals a MONTH!!!!! And, they don't do adoptions...they release certain lucky ones to rescue groups.


Anyways, it should be interesting .... but we are so thankful we can help at least one little beagle.

Anyone in the Houston area that is interested in being owned by a beagle...get in touch with Hound Rescue.

They are good people!

Wednesday, July 03, 2002

Animal Detail

D and I are trying to arrange to foster this little guy....

Vomit Tax!!!!

Vomit Tax!!!!

Tuesday, July 02, 2002 - Cross-dressing host of Taiwanese program has a way with kids

I don't know about you, but don't you find this headline scary and creepy?

We've Got More Risk Than Our Brains Can Handle (

Does this mean I can't blindly use exel to make all my decisions for me?

Oh god! I'm back to square one!

Tate's tinned art leaves bad smell -

Ah, now why didn't I think of that? Canned shit....

This too.

I NEEED this.

The four word film review

Oh yay! love love love!


Monday, July 01, 2002

1. This saturday D and I went to the wedding we'd jokingly pegged as the kool-aid wedding due to the age of the bride (19)..... we WERE joking.... but there was kool-aid. No alcoholic beverages. Kool-aid.

2. Cafe Red Onion = Yum

3. Insomnia strkes again. Suck.

4. The few moments I did manage to drift off I woke up choking/unable to breathe. That has never happened to me before...and it was scary.

5. I'm freaking hot ALL the TIME!

6. Cranky anyone?