Monday, July 15, 2002

I'm watching the Miss Texas pageant. I'm astounded that they still have pageants.

Anyways, I went to highschool with one of the competitors. I think this is probably one of the last years I'll be able to claim that. She made the top ten (Miss Houston) and also made the top ten last year. She's looking scarily skinny to me.

I may not be able to spot former classmates in coming years, but I'll always be able to claim that I went to highschool...and even played on a softball team with one of the "Women of Enron." After much debate, I actually looked at the picture. Her naked ass in now burned into my memory. I read somewhere that she was the only one that didn't do full frontal for fear of offending her grandparents. Um, yeah, they were proud that you only showed your bare bum.

Ah....growing up in Texas.

One thing I learned tonight, there is a magazine dedicated solely to Pageants....
Pageantry Online! -- Beauty Pageants, Fashion, Modeling News


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