Buyers Regret
I don't know if you've noticed but I'm a bit OCD about things at times (shut up). Especially when it comes to second guessing big decisions.
So, you'd think I'm laying awake at night wondering if this was the right house, the right time, the right place etc.
Here's a surprise for all of us, including yours truly, I'm not.
We get up every morning at six (oh god, so early) to walk the critters. It's wonderful. Big open paths through the woods. No fear of drunk vagrants or human excrement. Just quiet and the sounds of animals and an occasional car heading into Houston (suckers!)
Just last night a friend dropped off a second hand lawnmower (thanks Greg!) and we must have been in the backyard. None of us heard the doorbell...not even the dogs.
If I'm upstairs and D is down.....I could swear I was alone in the house.
I know that owning a house is one giant continuous project, but I'm delighted with the project thus far.
Now then, come on you houseguests!
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