Friday, March 29, 2002

Boo Hoo!

It's just not fair! People just don't understand...

Personally, I think the vitriol is out of control...but, when you expose yourself on national tv and act in such a manner it is naive to think that people won't have a negative opinion about who you are.

Ah....fame...such a doubled edged sword....

I weep for you.

Thursday, March 28, 2002

For the worry-wart in all of us.

French gunman who killed 8 leaps to his death

Uh, yeah, really, they were holding him by the legs and trying to "pull" him back into the room.....


Wednesday, March 27, 2002

Hope for D yet.

Britney Spears & Justin Timberlake

Somebody stop me...I'm making myself ill.

Oh my stars!

Smelly, you really must have these shoes for your wedding...indeed...I wonder if you could get blundstone's to make you some 'strayan inspired knockoffs...

Shannen Doherty

Now, I'm no fashion maven...but this is is unreal! What is going on with her breasts? And check out the unflattering stretch.

E! Online - Gossip - Fashion Police - 3/20/2002 - Christina Ricci

Now, is it just me, or does she have an abnormally large head for her teensy body....or is the other way her teensy body to flimsy to hold up that head?


Oh, and now I read on my news service the Duds is mean he was still alive until now?

Doctor or veterinarian?

i have the right



tsk tsk tsk.

You are such a drongo.

Get over yourself already.

I'm so sad, I loved you so all those years ago...and you've turned into a elvis-like-bloated-egomaniacal-self-important-pompous ass.

And, Heath Ledger? You too. Don't forget...many of us remember your stellar performance in Neighbours....get over yourself.

Child porn challenger wins artistic argument


Western culture and its fixation with "personal" freedom sometimes goes a bit too far. Where is the line between one person's freedom and another's?

Personally, I believe that the exploitation of children and animals is wrong. Period. There is absolutely no artistic merit of freedom of speech principal lofty enough to justify stories which glorify the abuse of children.

On a related note, I've made a decision about where to devote my current spare time. I've chosen to volunteer here.

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

P.S. I love my D. He got up early today to make me poached eggs and toast. He's the bestest.

Proof that I've woken up in an alternate reality:

I just trudged into our break room for a cup of of the good ol' boys that works here (aside: don't get me wrong, I like me a good ol' boy) walked in behind me and immediately migrated to the table holding the over-the-top frou frou pink easter basked up for auction for the march of dimes. He turned to me and said "Well, gooooooo-lllly isn't that pretty? I mean, that is really downright byooteeful!"

Uh. Yeah. The ribbons would like nice in your hair.

Monday, March 25, 2002

Oscars 2002: Somebody make it stop!
Oscars? Yawn.

But, this article is pretty funny.

You know what really chaps me about the oscars? It's one of the stable of awards that celebrities keep giving to themselves to prove that they've actually accomplished SOMETHING IMPORTANT....well, they haven't. I mean, entertainment is nice and all, but, people, please......

I read the cover of people/US/insert generic celebrity slobbering magazine implied that some celebrities were making HUGE sacrifices for their families...apparently Jody Foster tries to keep it down to one movie every two noble...

How many mohter's out there would give their eyeteeth to be able to afford such a lifestyle? Only work every two years.....

Sunday, March 24, 2002

Noodle Legs!

How cute is my nephew?

Tuesday, March 19, 2002

Very, very bad.

Monday, March 18, 2002

The Vocabula Review - March 2002 - Grumbling About Grammar

See, I'm not the only whinger....

Justin Hasluck has no luck.

Friday, March 15, 2002

Also, beware the ides....especially if you are indulging in a bit of the irish spirits this weekend.

Hey! You forgot the fried pickles!

Whatever happened to J's aversion to cucumber? Did you pull a sneaky on him with the tzaziki? Or did you get to enjoy it all yourself?

Monday, March 11, 2002

I'm off to Jackson...Mississippi....

don't be jealous.

Thursday, March 07, 2002


Predicting in Chaos

This relates somewhat to my personal theory that psychics are not necessarily psychic, but conversant in a language of patterns that the rest of us are not as tuned into. Maybe they're even unaware genius statisticians....

I believe that math and music are languages that some of us are either fluent in, or we're not. Perhaps "predicting" is just an extension of a mathmatical language that has yet to be discerned.

Wednesday, March 06, 2002


Today was the first time ever in my entire life to eat something from Chick-fil-a....not only is the name annoying...but, truly, the food was revolting. That's pretty harsh coming from me, seeing as I'm not so fussy about food.....

Tuesday, March 05, 2002

What is wrong with people?

Percolate is not pronounced Per-kew-late.

Nuclear is not pronounced Nu-kew-lar.

Another metafilter link:

I'm totally not buying it. I ran through the exercise several times and found that each "personal profile" was very generic in nature, and generically pretty negative.

Anyways, that's my 2-cents on that.

My favourite metafilter offering of the day!

Friday, March 01, 2002

Did I tell you that D and I are going to buy a homebrew kit? We are.

Shut up.

Pretty soon we will be completely self sufficient and will be able to start our own like Koresh-ian cult.....

My super special chicken/salsa verde casserole:

Take some chicken breasts and boil until cooked....remove breast to cool, reserve breast juice. When breast is cooled, shred chicken.

In breast juice put good measure of fresh, dehusked tomatillos, a good bunch of cilantro (coriander) leaves, a clove of garlic, and a jalapeno (or two)...boil until tomatillos soft, gluggy, and exploded. Put resulting green goop in blender and whizz merrily...(oops, I forgot to say, add salt to taste).

Crush some chips into the bottom of a 9x13 caserole (not too crushy....)....distribute chicken evenly over crushed chip with crumbled queso fresco (or a mild feta).....gloop salsa verde over casserole with sour cream....add a layer of shredded monterrey jack....bake at 350 utnil you can't stand the hunger anymore....

dig in.

Well, the oddest thing has happened....

I think I have xbox induced herpes of the hands. One thumb has a recovering blister (if you remember, the evil infected blister).....and so, it's peely and generally icky...but all of a sudden....all my other fingers have started to peel in sympathy.

Either it is finger tip herpes....or my hands have taken on some sort of herpetological (I think I just made that word up) (meaning snake-like) tendency to molt.

It's raining today.

It's the worst kind of rain for driving in...

...the sticky soft kind
...the kind that hangs round your car like a syrupy sheet of grey obscurity
....the kind that collects in sullen and slick puddles making any tap of the breaks or bend in the road a slipping adventure.....

...the kind that makes you late to work, even though you left extra early.