Friday, February 14, 2003

Much Obliged

I'm not one (at ALL) for manufactured holiday, especially those that encourage forced sentiment. The thought of thousands of people having obligatory forced chore-like sex with their "valentine" tonight, (you know, because, after all, it's valentine's day) just icks me out completely.

Instead of ranting on about how forced sentimentalism is not romantic at all, I thought I'd try a different tactic. For all of those actually into the whole "it's valentine's day, so let's talk about love" thing, I thought I'd put up a lovely little bit snipped from one of my favourite poets.

So, without further ado and general crabbiness about how revolting it is that there will be mad and feelingless coupling going on all over the shop tonight, here's a little something from Neruda:

De todas las cosas que he visto
a ti quiero seguirte viendo,
de todo lo que he tocado,
solo tu piel quiero ir tocando:
amo tu risa de naranja,
me gustas cuando estas dormida.

Que voy hacerle, amor, amada,
no se como quieren los otros,
no se como se amaron antes,
yo vivo viendote y amandote,
naturalmente enamorado.

(I'm sure you can find the translation in a million and one places as this is one of his best known pieces.)


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