Thursday, February 13, 2003

What this girl really wants...

Make no bones about it (and, no, that is not a sneak reference to a "boner"), what I want more than anything right now is to lay down in a freshly made bed in comfy jim-jams and drift off to the land of nod for about 3-6 weeks.

I am exhausted for no discernable reason.

True, I haven't been sleeping all too well lately...but this is nothing new for me. It's not so much insomnia (which I sometimes have) but interrupted sleep. That is, drifting off for a couple hours and then waking up. Getting annoyed and finally falling back asleep, only to wake up an hour later. Lather, rinse, repeat.

It occurrs to me that my grandmother has always complained about not being able to sleep for as long as I can remember.

Oh god.

29 and already turning into my grandmother?


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