Monday, March 31, 2003

Breaking News:

I have an ugly ugly soul.

(But at least I don't have scary fingers.)

I am, by no means, a detail oriented girl. By no means. Actually, I crave exactitude. I do. I like order of sorts and to always have a plan. I just want someone else to be in charge of it. No, wait that is a lie. I hate when someone else is in charge. No, what I want is to have a precise plan. Exactitude. But, I don't want to have to think about the details. I just want them to be there, already taken care of. That's what I want.

Sunday, March 30, 2003

A little piece of Americana

Today was a momentus day in our household. The sun is out, and so it only made sense to go out and buy that hammock I've been talking about for years.

Me & Ollie on a hammock? Now that is a little piece of Americana I can enjoy!

Saturday, March 29, 2003

Minnie Update

Minnie had surgery yesterday to repair her hip, and they didn't have to do anything for her knee (as we were expecting)! She did well an the D and I will be picking her up today and brining her here where she'll recuperate before her heartworm treatment begins.


Friday, March 28, 2003

All the cool kids are doing it...

Allison has inspired me. In four weeks kiddos (or thereabouts) I too will have the top of my eye peeled back for laser reshaping...and perhaps see without assistance for the first time in over fifteen years. I can hardly wait.

Current issue I WILL not be discussing nor explaining

The fact that I purchased a sewing machine today. Hold me, I'm scared.

Thursday, March 27, 2003

I'm dying for this purse.


Wednesday, March 26, 2003

DUI Coordinator Resigns After Being Charged With DUI - from Tampa Bay Online

Doh. | New laws are a dog's tail (March 26, 2003)



Try this: say "family." Note how you have absolutely no tendency to prounounce it thusly: "fur-mily." Now practice: "familiar." Absolutely no need to say "fur-miliar."

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Help Minnie!

Well, the bonus I got this year isn't huge. That's ok, I'm thankful to have a job, especially one that I more or less enjoy. So, D and I were thinking on getting a new bed as ours is not exactly the best.

Instead, I've decided to contribute towards the care that this little girl is going to need. She is the sweetest dog in the world, and has had a pretty crummy life so far. She came in and needed emergency surgery for pyometria (ie. infected uterus), has heartworms, and has a pretty nasty hip injury that will need surgery. She also has NO front teeth from trying to chew her way out of a chain tie-up. She's maybe three-four years old (tops). She really touched my heart in the littel time she's been in my home, and I didn't think it fair to her to have her put down due to expense alone. I wanted to do something to let her know that not all humans are assholes. So, this is where the majority of my bonus this year is going.

If you've got a few dollars to sdonate, Ms.Minnie would owe you her undying gratitude. Just know this, she is well on her way to the pampered life she deserved all along.

Because I Say So!: A Story In So Many Words (#1: 100)

Love. This.

Look, there is a little something we need to discuss. No, I know the last thing you want to hear about is the vagaries of my dreaming experiences. But, really, I need input. What is up with the fucking sharks? The recurring man-eating sharks that appear in the most inappropriate of spots in my dreams. Last night was at the wave pool we were all hanging out around. You know, a wave pool? Like at a theme park? A huge tank of tepid, urine-infested water. That kind of wave pool. Yes. We were all there. Chillin' (even). I was thinking to myself (in my dream), "Great, now I won't have to get my highlights touched up for a couple months as the sun will take care of bleaching the shit out of my hair." (No, there isn't shit in my hair you nong, it's just a figure of speech.)


The sharks were there. Gulping up the people near the front of the pool. Everyone seemed unconcerned. I did get out of the water, but no one could understand my trepidation.

So I ask, what is with the sharks? Really.

Monday, March 24, 2003

Long, deep, dramatic sigh....

(that is all)
(ok, perhaps I should clarify...this is more of an exasperated sigh as opposed to an anguished or "exhausted and gloriously relaxing after a long hard day of work" sigh) - At 70, Omar Sharif enjoys life's slow lane

This weekend I saw Omar Sharif's countenance on the tv and was once again transfixed by his beautiful eyes. Even here at seventy, I contend he has the nicest eyes ever to grace our screens.

I believe the one thing we all have in common is an underlying sense of anguish for those things we lack that we are not even able to describe to ourselves, much less anyone else.

Cirque du Soleil

This is what I saw on Saturday. I really enjoyed it. More than I thought I would. In fact, I was so inspired by the acrobatics that last night I found myself vigorously jumping on a neighbour's trampoline. Which I haven't done in years.

I'm having a hard time walking today.

Friday, March 21, 2003

I've decided to pursue a new line of work. That is, JOURNALIST!!!!!!!!!!!!


Apparently the only qualifications you need at the moment is to say the following things a lot:
1. Shock and Awe. SHOCK AND AWE!!!! shock....and, awe
2. UHHHHHhhhm Qasar

Also, ask hard hitting questions like:
1. So, do you think the families of the soldiers killed will be sad?
2. What do you think the mood is in Baghdad?

I would also add my own brand of hard-hitting journalism by asking:
1. Do you feel there is a russian conspiracy at hand? I mean, those glasses that ol' Saddam was sporting yesterday were like totally communist bloc vintage......

Thursday, March 20, 2003

Current phrase I would most like to have banned:


As in, I've been on your side from the get-go. What the hell is that? Get-go?

Wednesday, March 19, 2003

Yahoo! News - Entertainment Photos - Reuters

Poor cat......can you imagine doing this to Piglet?

Tuesday, March 18, 2003


Random thought:

Whatever happened to Lucas of "Lucas with the Lid Off."

I have no idea why I suddenly remembered that song.

Drive Time

I've been doing a lot of driving lately. Mostly in the evening. Ferrying dogs back and forth. It involves a lot of driving from one side of Houston to the other. Secretly? I love it. You have no idea. And, I'll deny it if you ever ask me directly.

I love driving down a two lane backwoods country road through the trees. I only wish there was less traffic.

I love to drive with the windows cracked so I can smell the warm scent of the piney woods and hear the crickets.

I love how the trees crowd in on the road and it is hard to see even with your headlights on.

I especially love it when there is a bright moon overhead that makes you feel as though you could see into the woods, or even drive with your headlights off.

I love how you can only drive so fast lest you arrive at the curve in the road ahead before you've steered properly into it.

I love the slight danger every time a big ass truck drives by you heading the opposite direction and how you are sure your car won't squeeze by it without damage.

I love driving especially this time of year when you can almost feel summer waiting right behind the spring.

I love to be alone in the car, with no radio, and only the sound of my engine and the crickets.

I have so many memories of driving these kind of roads when I was in highschool and how free I felt alone, driving through the woods. There were times in Australia when I would close my eyes when the weather was just right (those rare evenings with a hint of humidity), and remember what it was like to drive.

Monday, March 17, 2003

Beagle and Hound Rescue of Houston

Yay! The new website for our beagle rescue group is up and running. Check it out. (Our current fosters are Winnie and Riley).

Re: St. Patrick's Day

1. Green Bud Light or any other close to water beer dyed green in honour of St. Paddy. Not Irish.
2. Wearing scottish kilts and playing scottish bagpipes. Not Irish.
3. Playing "Scotland the Brave" on said bagpipes. Not Irish.
4. You are somewhat caucasian, were born here, as were your parents and their parents. Not Irish.
5. Really really bad fake Irish accents and the copious saying of things like "Top o' the morning to ye wee lassie." Still not Irish.
6. Your need to pinch me as I'm not wearing green. Risk losing use of your genitalia. (also, NOT FUCKING IRISH!) - Barbecue's fatty fumes add to Houston's haze

Gross gross gross gross gross.


Friday, March 14, 2003

Can you do yourself harm eating too many clementines?

Paraplegic to foot bill after losing case

Bad pun headline aside, perhaps this will cause other people to think twice before suing for damages for their own stupidity. - Survey: 'Shark summer' bred fear, not facts - Mar. 14, 2003

Ya reckon? The media feeding frenzy (painful pun intended) contributed to irrational fears?

People....sharks are wild animals operating in their NORMAL habitat....if you enter that habitat you risk being mistaken for a seal. Period. Remember, more people are killed by moronic assholes than have ever been killed by a shark.

Wednesday, March 12, 2003

SEXUALITY and breasts are the vibe for next winter according to Tom Ford, who showed his ready-to-wear collection for Yves Saint Laurent Rive Gauche in Paris.

Sexuality and breasts are "in"....can we go as far as saying they are the new black?

Racist Environmentalists? Interesting... - Why fly hungry? Carry on a meal

This is what I want to say: unless you are flying overseas or for longer than 7 hours, I really think you should be able to make it through the flight without eating.

"Pack a snack of carrots or celery with peanut butter to fend off midflight hunger pains." Or just wait a until you land and eat at a proper meal time.

I never did understand the serving of meals on flights that are only a couple hours long. Are people really that on the edge of starvation that they have to eat?

That being said, for long flights? I'd recommend singapore airlines any day. Their food is yummy and their service impeccable.

Monday, March 10, 2003

The Great Circle of Life

It is spring break here in our neck of the woods. With the beautiful weather outside, there are lots of people and kids out rollerblading/cycling/running/walking/fishing etc. I observe this all on my way to and from work. I'm not toooooo bitter, but daydream that I too could take spring break.

I had to laugh at myself today as I pulled up behind what was obviously a young driver's car. Second hand looking and a bit disheveled, just like my first car (old blue) looked. We were at the stop sign and I could see that driver was bent down looking at something. The light went green, stayed green, and I tried to bide my time (after all, I was in no hurry to scurry back to work). Finally, I honked. The young girl, not missing a beat, passed the mobile phone she had in her left hand to her right and gave me the finger through her open window. I had to laugh. I can just imagine her telling her friend about the bitch behind her. God, I felt like a cranky old lady... like the ones I used to laugh to my friends about.

Don't worry, I'm not so old that I didn't give her the finger back (with huge grin on my face) while telling her to get off her fucking phone and learn how to drive as I passed her by while she weaved in her lane (due to the animated conversation she was having).

Friday, March 07, 2003

I'm a simple girl...

It should be noted, that on a day like today.....sun appearing for the first time in two weeks. A peanut butter and apricot jam sandwich in the backyard is the PERFECT lunch.

Thursday, March 06, 2003

Chaise Lounge Obsession

If you know me at all, you know I'm obsessed with chaise lounges...espcially quirky ones. Look at these great designs! I especially like the growth rate inspired lounges.

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

I love Allison's Dailies...but especially this memory.

Gris Gris


It is definitely grey here. And I'm not talking the exotic and kookily attractive gris gris that would be appropriate on this mardi gras week. I'm talking as grey as the ashes on your forehead today (as you did over-indulge on mardi gras, you are doing the second half of it and going through with lent as well, right?)

It has been for over a week. I don't know how you folks in less sunny climes do week of grey and I'm already feeling desperate. I would like the grey wet to stop now. A moment of sunshine would do a lot to improve my mood.

I wonder if there is some gris gris for sunshine.

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

S'pose getting what you want means losing it at once because what you want is the not having, or the instant of getting.

Monday, March 03, 2003


It is 03/03/03. So that should be significant in some way right?

The Art of Food

I love food. Not only eating it, but food itself. I love to cook. I love how the flavours and textures interact with each other. I love how food is emotional. I love the history of food, and its significance outside of nutrition.

I especially love collecting old cookbooks. (Obsessively, ahem....thank you ebay). My favourites are the cookbooks from the 1920s-1950s. These books are half-cookbook, half-social commentary. The cultural anthropologist loves the "handy hints for housewives" type advice. It makes me feel like I knew the women of those yesteryears.

Here's a little snippet for you from my 1927 copy of "The Fifty Two Sunday Dinners" a Woman's World Book of Tested Sunday Dinners. It promises "Practical Menus for Practical People." About Sunday Dinners (Making the Sunday Dinner the Easiest Meal of the Week):

"Sunday dinner should not, of course, be made the occasion for the family to overeat itself into Monday headaches and irritation, nor for the hostess and her assistants to be given extra work and worry, but with planning it can become such a pleasant event that the household anticipates it eagerly, and guests feel honored to be invited to it. Special dishes may be reserved for it, and the prettiest napery, china and glass brought out to beautify the table, with flowers or a little greenery to aid."

So sweet. In honor of this, I include the suggested menu for the second sunday in March (so you can plan accordingly):
Winter Fruit Cup
Pan-Broiled Steak
Oyster Sauce
Apple and Celery Salad
Mayonnaise Dressing
Finger Rolls
Creamed Potatoes
Salted Peanuts
Pineapple Delight

Now remember, don't go to so much trouble that you end up with a Monday headache.

Sunday, March 02, 2003

100 Words - February 2003

Saturday, March 01, 2003

1. red hair(s)
2. 2 dog adoptions today, 1 (possibly 2) tomorrow
3 japanese fresh noodles with edamame and mushrooms