Thursday, September 26, 2002

Researchers grow teeth in the lab

I can't quite figure out why this horrifies me so. The thought of a tray of teeth growing by themselves just horrifies me. - Man tired of waiting in INS line grabs officer's gun and shoots

Um, if I didn't know for a fact that the D is at home entertaining his parents I'd be worried this might be him.

Don't even get me started on the complete shambles that is the INS. All you need to know is this: after a year of nagging/faxing/failing to even get a line through to INS in Los Angeles INS ..... he finally got his green card. Mind you, for him it was a matter of formality as his permanent residence had been applied for and approved before we ever set foot here. Basically, they just needed to produce the card from the stack of documents that we provided at immigration in LAX.

So, yeah, got it in the mail over a year later...and it has him as born in french polynesia.

For fuck's sake.

I guess it will be at least another year of nagging/begging/pleading/waiting in lines/ faxing to get them to correct a completely ridiculously lazy mistake.

Current Food Fascinations (aka. constant cravings):
1. Dill (especially in pickles, but just in anything)
2. Tarragon
3. Sour Cream
4. Polenta
5. Tamarind (esp. in Lucas Ice Confections)
6. Mushrooms, especially shitake
7. Greens (the perennial favourite), especially kai lan or spinach

D likes to call my fascinations freakish. I simply accept them and try to accommodate them in the yummiest way possible.

Cultural Appropriation....just shut up and relax.

(from ALDaily )

Yahoo! News - Spears, Madonna, Other Stars in TV Ads on Piracy

Um, like, yah! And when you steal music, that is BAD. Because, like, you know then sometimes somebody can't go on a zillion dollar joy trip in space....or something.

Also, mean people suck.

Also, like, you total losers....stealing music means less money for me and that is BAD.

Read your audience before launching into your presentation. That way, if you are about to lecture a group of church ladies on Tourette's syndrome and have brought along a slide show and audiotapes to play for their edification, you can stop yourself before the unintended consequences overwhelm the good you had intended to do.

You guys know how fascinated I am with Tourette's.

Wednesday, September 25, 2002 The Medium Is The Messiest

Dynamo House, Melbourne, Australia

Why does no one seem to give a shit about what's happening in Zimbabwe?

I guess it will only matter once it becomes an even bigger disaster that impacts more than just the poor fuckers in Zimbabwe. Either that, or it becomes another black hawk down type incident.


The Atlantic | October 2002 | The Roaring Nineties | Stiglitz

From ALDaily.

Interesting read.

I'm a Lucky Girl!

Ah, but if you know me, you already knew that. (Barring the odd incident like the Isadore annoyance that is.)

Let me tell you yet another reason why I'm so lucky:

I have the most wonderful, warm, loving and adorable in-laws in the world. It's a fact. They are absolutely gorgeous. I adore having them here for a visit and it only reminds me how awful it is that we live half a world away from them at the moment.

My father-in-law has been working tirelessly with the D to get my den and kitchen yellowy and beautiful...on his holidays. There was nothing I coudl do to stop him.

D has not been this happy in months.

His mother fusses over us and tells us how clever and special we are.

I'm going to be absolutely bereft when they leave.

Tuesday, September 24, 2002

Betty Bowers is a Better Christian Than You

I wonder how I can get this website to the Christians from Cut-n-Shoot?

All I have to say is:
Fuck you Isadore.

Oh what a lovely plan I had for a long weekend in New Orleans. It was going to work so nicely. I had to be there for training, so a trip to NO would be company subsidised and the in-laws could come along.

But no.

You have to aim straight at the LA coast don't you? Precisely on the day we were going to arrive.



Whatever, we're going later...and unsubsidised. After all, it's only money.

Meanwhile, the most offensive wallpaper known to man is gone gone gone. In its place is lurvely lurvely happy yellow. Happy yellow kitchen walls.

Don't hate me because I have lovely kitchen walls. - Social conservatives creating storm in Montgomery County

I'm glad these people are so socially active! I wonder how many of these same protesters donate money to social programs or volunteer for worthy causes. These are the same people that ban sex education know, because if you don't acknowledge it...there will never be problems like teenage pregnancy or suicided young gay people.

Damn it.

At least his penis is covered.....and you know...that's really important. Because it was really corrupting me. | Entertainment | Fury over shark attack joke (September 24, 2002)

Heath Ledger is such a prick. I cringe everytime he opens his mouth...he's such an arse.

Monday, September 23, 2002

The State Of My Fat Ass

The Sept. 20 entry had me crying, I was laughing so hard.

Is there anything more horrifying and hilarious than dog vomit stories?

One day I'll tell you the one my crazy canadian ex boyfriend told me about a dog, human shit, dog vomit and eating of said vomit.

Just because you've died doesn't mean that you can't hire a prostitute!

Whimsical Arts: Day of the Dead

You guys know that I adore day of the dead stuff right? And that the D refuses to allow me to decorate the entire house with skeletal figurines (and thank goodness for that)....but if you adored me as much as you claim you would buy/make/send me the most hideous day of the dead figurines you could find.

Meanwhile, in other house decor news...the horrendous laurah ghastly wallpaper in the kitchen is gone! Oh joy of joys! Even with just primed white walls the house already looks and feels brighter and bigger.

Finally, I bought 3 adorable red lanterns to place on the wall...but can not find little shelves to put them on. I know, a 4/5 inch square shelf would be easy enough to make...but I'm lazy.


Poor things, like wild animals.....

No one addresses treating the cause (ie. abusive parents).....


If this little girl is really that disturbed, what is the quality of her life?

It upsets me what human beings do to each other...and how a cycle like this is neverending. - 'I'm sorry,' says mom taped beating daughter

She was just having a bad day.

It sounds like an all-around class act family.

Tuesday, September 17, 2002

Susan Lane told Commissioners that in light of September 11th approaching everyone should be thinking about patriotism. She told the members that patriotism is standing up for what is right.

Sorry to link again, but it is incredible to me how ingnorant some people are.

Patriotism is not standing up for what is's equivalent to nationalism.

Also, what does Sept. 11 have to do with censorship and banning of books?

God damn I live in redneck country.

liberal, socialist fags!

Oh god, so funny. But, kind of scary as well. Scary that people like Monte Lane exist.

eBay item 2100458130 (Ends Sep-17-02 20:11:48 PDT ) - 1950's 50's Leopard Pajamas/Lounge Wear W26


Some of these kids were walking like they were going to a school bus or whatever- they had no idea whatsoever," Healy said. "Imagine putting a new baby fowl in high heels- they were so cute and they were really very passionate about it and they all really wanted to learn.

aww, a new baby fowl...not a chicken...a fowl.

that's how models talk you know.

In the end they were so know, all it took was an expert's advice.....

Dangerous Liaisons

The japanese are a strange lot. - Epileptic ordered to pay £3,500 for contorted face


Interesting site.

I wonder what I would write in my messages?

The Scotsman - International - Beauty queens’ threat to Miss World

How...political or something.


I'd never go to Nigeria. Period.

WTF were the pageant's organiser's thinking?

You know, if you work in oil and gas and agree to go work in Nigeria they will give you hazard pay.

Friday, September 13, 2002

It's not all fun and cheer around here.

Gracie is leaving us the weekend. I dont' know if I can stand it. Ugh.


Now, go to b3ta and read the newsletter yourself you lazy sod.

mushybees-a form of entertainment avoiding thought

Um, can you tell it's friday.

Also: dirty sanchez.

(Cue in obSniggering)

malevole - A Tribute to Ray Harryhausen

Link from my fave (b3ta) love love.

Simpsons Pulp Fiction

The Language Construction Kit

from mefi.

DDR Freak - Dance Dance Revolution

I'm only interested because I must go to see people using this machine...especially here in Texas... especially if I can find one combined with a karaoke lounge.

I'd be in freak watching heaven. buying info: P3 International P7906 Vibrasonic Molechaser

Um, double entedre anyone?

Darwin Award contender

Though, technically, he didn't quite manage to kill himself.

Thursday, September 12, 2002 - New York lottery winning numbers: 9-1-1 - September 12, 2002

Welcome to the twilight zone.

Wednesday, September 11, 2002 | Virgin seeping, not weeping (September 12, 2002)

Seeping. NOT weeping.

Did you go Jennifer?

Welcome to!

You guys know how much I adore

It was time I reminded you.

Tuesday, September 10, 2002

Rod Dreher on Reality TV on National Review Online


From mefi.... - Father recalls look on son's face before truck crash

Poor baby boy. I'm sorry he lost his son, but shit, truckers drive so fast and carelessly. He was unlucky this time.

Perhaps, if he ever drives again, he'll remember to slow down. This time it was his son killed...

Monday, September 09, 2002

For those of you keeping up at home...the Ollie had his second round of heartworm treatment today. To kill the babies in his blood stream. Unfortunately, the vet says that his infestation is so heavy he'll need a follow up next week.

But, after that?

Ollie will be all better!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


We are in frenzy mode leading up to the arrival of my in-laws. We are so excited and can't wait to see them!!!!

In anticipation we've tried to finish up as many little projects around the house.....including painting the front room to my liking. That is in carnival like colours. Lilacy pink and blues.... I adore glows with happy pinkness.

Cherry Ripe!!!!
Boo hoo hoo hoo.......

I've just eaten the last of my horded cherry ripes.

I'm almost in a panic.

Luckily, with any luck my MIL (that's for you ms. j-thalia) will bring me some.

The Science of Happiness

Interesting....not long ago I decided I was going to be more happy and started focusing on those things that made me feel happy and contented isntead of those things in my life that made me feel dark and hopeless.

A lot of it had to do with practicing generosity and redefining my perspective on a lot of issues.

Guess what? I am a happier person. The little shit really doesn't get me down like it used to, or at least not for as long as it used to. I make a conscious effort to notice the good things in my life, instead of those things that used to really bring me down.

Not ever day is a happy happy joy joy day, but most days I am at least contented if not outright "happy."

The only time I have sad days are those days when I'm tired and I forget and fall back into old habits of focusing on negative stuff.

But, I'm slowly outgrowing that habit.

The weird thing is I find I have less and less patience with people that choose to be unhappy, their negativity and whining just brings me down.

The truth is we all have a be happy or to be unhappy. It's that simple. Sometimes it's ok to have a bad day or moment....but non-stop being sad is just boring and brings everyone else down.

Friday, September 06, 2002

How Beaut is YOUR Ute?

Thursday, September 05, 2002


Interesting. I've always noticed when I have my sleep patterns interrupted it really "throws" me for days, even a week.

Wednesday, September 04, 2002

Can someone please make me some gazpacho? Thanks.


It is sheer craziness when you can't use a word because perhaps maybe it might sound like somethign offensive. I'll tell you what is really offensive, that ignorant illiterate people can get offended because it sounds like a racial slur, and meanwhile the development of a diverse and useful vocabulary diminishes.

Yeah, I don't rank with you two (Ms.Nic and
Jo-Shmo (big ho)) in the grand Justin Penis search reference.

I'm blazing my own trail. I want to be number one when it comes to "Kelly American Idol Twat" or "Kelly American Idol Vagina".... I'm all about equality for the sex(less)es etc.

Ok. I'm breaking one of my posting rules and am going to post about work. Well, not really work, because let's face work as an ANALyst is boring to everyone but me. And, even to me some of the time.

It's about a cow-orker. To say he's stodgy and robotic would be only making a caricature of his true rigid self. So, you know what, it's boring as hell....I'm not going to bore you with tales of his pedantic pointy-headedness. What I want to tell you is that he has chronic nasal drip. And he has this particular way of blowing his nose that drives me insane....I can hear it clearly over the sea of cubicle walls.....not only that, I have the vivid mental picture of the way he blows and then examines his snot rag for results.

You're oh so very welcome.

Tuesday, September 03, 2002

- Tank of cooking oil explodes, killing one worker, injuring another.

Sheesh. The fat fights back.

What Is It About British Men? Cheap, Drunk and Stiff Lipped

Further commentary.


Link from my ever favourite: AL Daily