I'm a Lucky Girl!
Ah, but if you know me, you already knew that. (Barring the odd incident like the Isadore annoyance that is.)
Let me tell you yet another reason why I'm so lucky:
I have the most wonderful, warm, loving and adorable in-laws in the world. It's a fact. They are absolutely gorgeous. I adore having them here for a visit and it only reminds me how awful it is that we live half a world away from them at the moment.
My father-in-law has been working tirelessly with the D to get my den and kitchen yellowy and beautiful...on his holidays. There was nothing I coudl do to stop him.
D has not been this happy in months.
His mother fusses over us and tells us how clever and special we are.
I'm going to be absolutely bereft when they leave.
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