Sunday, February 29, 2004

Public Service Announcement

White Cheese flavoured Cheez-its = work of the devil.

You have been warned.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004


I still love Mississippi, if not only for the fact that I use 'mississippi' when counting and here I am.

I got a call from PA about coming up for an interview next friday. I don't know about you, but I feel super cool that they want me to fly in for an interview. Seriously. I am very happy with myself and my resume to be getting the feedback I'm getting.

I love D. I mean, the same as always, but you should know. Not only is he awfully cute, but I've learned (acutely) what "love" and "support" are all about.

Al survived the slicing and dicing. I just want her to stop being a punk about her pain meds etc.

Nic is in the throes of major testing. I love her with all my heart and want no more than the best for her. She IS smart enough and good enough. And, I can't wait to meet her personally.

Meanwhile, here I am in Jackson. The dogs miss me. My husband misses me. Good things are happnening.

Thanks for the positve thoughts.

Friday, February 20, 2004

The Power of Good Thoughts

I spoke to a recruiter for a company out of Philadelphia. The job sounds interesting and she seemed to be positive about scheduling a phone interview for me. Please think good thoughts for me! I know the right job is out there...perhaps this is it?

My dear friend Allison is having surgery today. Let's all think good things for her.

Browneye's big test is coming up. Send positive vibrations her way!

Gussy-pants is feeling a lot less scared and even wags his tail and smiles now. He's a big moop.

The weather is scrummy here. The weekend is just ahead. I'm leaving Sunday (on a prop plane) for Mississippi, and will be back Wednesday.

Good thoughts = good things!

Saturday, February 14, 2004

It should be known....tonight we made the BEST lasagne ever known to man.

Totally true.

Josie went to her new home today. All the other beasts are quite upset by this change, but Sam is totally destroyed.

We have a new visitor....Gus. He is ridiculously cute, and has a horrificly sad story (he was trapped over a year ago after 7 months of hard work by some volunteers, he was at some point a bait dog for pit bulls and has the scars to prove it, he's going to be just fine....)

Life is wonderful.

Friday, February 13, 2004

Things to Note:

1. I still love New Orleans.
2. In New Orleans, rubber flip flops are considered ok for upscale long as there are sequins involved somewhereon the flip flops.
3. D makes the yummiest smoked trout ravioli.
4. I really love Novica. My necklace from Bali arrived wrapped in the cutest batik box with a straw flower and pesonal note from the artist.
5. I really really love Adagio tea. Order some. Right now. It comes in cute tins and you'll never go back to lipton's again.
6. Gambino's cream cheese filled King Cake = super happines.
7. Josie goes to her new home this weekend. I will miss that maniac. :(
8. I'm a lucky girl.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

American Coddle

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

It's not so much a feeling of strangling, it's more like the words don't seem to fit in my mouth properly. I feel like what I think a brain injury patient may feel like (albeit on such a more minor degree), like I have to actually think about every single motion/movement I make. Including remembering to breathe.

I either talk too loud or not loud enough.

I either notice too much or not notice enough.

I have a continual horrible feeling of panic racing through me.

Is there a name for this? - Paper: Diet guru Atkins qualified as obese - Feb. 10, 2004



Come on people! Please please please (!) be smarter than this.

A diet that advocates sucking down pure fat/protein just doesn't make sense logically. Think about it. Not only is it nutritionally wacky, in general, extremism is never a good thing.

There is no easy answer to weight loss. None. The only "diet" guaranteed to work is to change your life in the following ways:
1. Eat less than you eat now.
2. Move your body more than you do now.

Simple. Period. End of story.

Yes, yes, is freaking hard to change your habits and relearn how to be a healthy human being. You can take baby steps. Stop eating convenience/super processed foods. Think about what you are putting in your mouth. Be responsible for your health.

I have been working on changing my health (with the added benefit of losing weight) for nearly 6 months now. It is a slow and gradual change, but I am satisfied that I'm making better decisions about what I put into my body and what I do with the body I've been given.

Saturday, February 07, 2004

My new obsession....
Also, we gave the beasties marrow bones as a treat today...I expect to be up all night with runny tummy syndrome....but just for right now? They are in totall meaty bone coma...

Friday, February 06, 2004

top 10 modern delusions

Thursday, February 05, 2004

It's all just ......a;ldjadlwfjladnoaeiwoaej.

That's how I feel about everything right now. Inarticulate.

I guess it is just an end of the winter funk settling over everything.

Actually, everything is hunky-dory, a-ok, fine etc....I'm just personally frustrated at work. That seems to tinge everything with a certain sticky layer of annoyance and general /insert inarticulation here/.

That's why there hasn't been much here lately. To quote Neruda (which I do more often than you know, even if it is only in my head):

Sin duda todo esta muy bien
y todo esta muy mal, sin duda

(No doubt everything's fine
and everything is very bad, no doubt.)

Or, better yet, go read "Cierto Cansancio" (A Certain Weariness) captures how I feel.