Tuesday, February 10, 2004

CNN.com - Paper: Diet guru Atkins qualified as obese - Feb. 10, 2004



Come on people! Please please please (!) be smarter than this.

A diet that advocates sucking down pure fat/protein just doesn't make sense logically. Think about it. Not only is it nutritionally wacky, in general, extremism is never a good thing.

There is no easy answer to weight loss. None. The only "diet" guaranteed to work is to change your life in the following ways:
1. Eat less than you eat now.
2. Move your body more than you do now.

Simple. Period. End of story.

Yes, yes, yes...it is freaking hard to change your habits and relearn how to be a healthy human being. You can take baby steps. Stop eating convenience/super processed foods. Think about what you are putting in your mouth. Be responsible for your health.

I have been working on changing my health (with the added benefit of losing weight) for nearly 6 months now. It is a slow and gradual change, but I am satisfied that I'm making better decisions about what I put into my body and what I do with the body I've been given.


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