It's all just ......a;ldjadlwfjladnoaeiwoaej.
That's how I feel about everything right now. Inarticulate.
I guess it is just an end of the winter funk settling over everything.
Actually, everything is hunky-dory, a-ok, fine etc....I'm just personally frustrated at work. That seems to tinge everything with a certain sticky layer of annoyance and general /insert inarticulation here/.
That's why there hasn't been much here lately. To quote Neruda (which I do more often than you know, even if it is only in my head):
Sin duda todo esta muy bien
y todo esta muy mal, sin duda
(No doubt everything's fine
and everything is very bad, no doubt.)
Or, better yet, go read "Cierto Cansancio" (A Certain Weariness) captures how I feel.
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