Welcome to Whoop-Whoop
Right. Cheers. Thanks alot.
Saturday, January 31, 2004
Friday, January 30, 2004
Mirepoix - Food Facts & History
Damien is now walking around the house saying 'mirepoix!" and using the word copiously. He hates Lisa Loeb as well.
In other news....my cold is back. With a vengeance. Kill me.
And finally....today I bought a packet of chocolate digestive biscuits! We are having them with our tea. We are retardedly excited about this.
Food Network: Dweezil & Lisa
This may possibly be the most annoying show on tv at the moment. Lisa Loeb is ridiculously useless and wankery.
Thursday, January 29, 2004
So, what's up with the dogs?
Well, actually, we are still fostering. Currently we have Josie the maniac schnauzer pup at our house. She's been here since November, and is welcome to stay as long as she needs to stay (but, help us, it will be nice when she goes home.)
The next male foster dog we get I'm determined to cal Weber. No not 'web-ber'. I want to call him retardedly like a lunatic german granny: "VAAAAAAAYYYYY BAAAAAAAHHHHHRRRRR."
That is all.
Tuesday, January 27, 2004
So I turned thirty this past weekend. Some would argue that this indicates that I am, indeed, now grown up. I beg to differ. There are lots of things that I would have already done, or would be doing if I were grown up. Here is some of them:
1. I would own, and be lovingly restoring an old rambly cape cod or crazy victorian house (with hidden passages and non-functioning dumbwaiter) in some undisclosed, hilly, and quaint town. I would sometimes live there. I would not physically or financially suffer from this fun adventure.
2. I would have been to all continents (bar antarctica, which doesn't mean I don't necessarily want to go there...but I'm not exactly going to go out of my way to ensure I step on perma-frost on the bum side of the world.)
3. I would be able to speak at least 4 language, one of them with no latin or germanic roots.
4. I would be able to draw/paint in beautiful oils or dainty pastels. I would spend some evenings on a picturesque beach with paint and canvas being picturesque.
5. I would understand, no truly truly understand the idea of a space-time continuum.
6. I would have clever and precocious children. Twoish.
7. I would have a convertible car. It would be completely unpractical. I would only drive it on occassions where the sun was shining full, and my hair would never be mussed.
(To be continued).....
Monday, January 26, 2004
Saturday, January 24, 2004
Thursday, January 22, 2004
Unexplained creepiness of the day:
I went to renew my driver's license today. I was absolutely creeped out by the fact that the entire building reeked of human dung.
No shit!
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
Bloody Knuckle (Bloody Chocolate!)
I bloodied my knuckle tonight. No, not on purpose you knob. Wanna know how I bloodied my delicate girly knuckle? I did it while trying to release 4 blocks of chocolate from the popular bar. It fought me, but I finally beat it into submission.
It was worth it though!
If you haven't had a mexican hot chocolate ever (all grainy and frothy, with the milk just scalded) then you have totally missed out.
Then again, maybe you are a complete nong and don't deserve a frothy mug of hot chocolate served with the requisite cinnamon graham cracker.
PS. The D and I have decided to see if we make another seven years without killing each other. Wish us luck. Also, he and I are locked in a battle to the death with regards to which chocolate is better: Abuelita (me) v Popular (him).
Saturday, January 17, 2004
Shopping list vs What I bought
Things that followed me home from the shops today:
1 roll velcro tape
1 jar cocktail onions
1 piece of nice looking shark
1 baguette
1 block lurpak butter
1 lb teeny tiny rosy waxy potatoes
1 lb asparagus
6 large perfect white mushrooms
1 block popular brand mexican chocolate
36 count white corn tortillas
salsa ingredients (ripe romas, jalapenos, cilantro, onion)
So what?
Well, not one of those things were on my shopping list.
Why is it that I got to the shop and get distracted from the things we need (i.e. toilet paper), with all these things that I can only explain by telling D that it seemed like something I had to have.
Friday, January 16, 2004
So, where have you been lately? If you are anything like me you are in the throes of winter blahs. Ok, maybe that's overstating it. I'm just generally annoyed lately.
I'm annoyed that I couldn't make the New York job offer work.
I'm annoyed that I can make a decent pot of tea.
I'm annoyed that I'm turning thirty in a couple weeks. I don't know why, I really don't care about how old I am or how old you are.
Our wedding anniversary (7) is coming up. How is it that we've been married that long? Seriously. That's an awful long time to live in close quarters with someone. Thankfully, I generally don't stay annoyed with D. I think he's cute and funny. (And he sings love songs to himself in the shower, how can you not love that?)
I'm annoyed by the general damp and grey of winter.
I'm annoyed that I don't live closer to my friends.
I'm annoyed by work shit that it so singularly minute I can't even be bothered articulating it properly (but added up all together annoys the shit out of me).
But hey! Chin up little camper! There's always good stuff around the corner.
Thursday, January 15, 2004
Monday, January 12, 2004
MSNBC - Will Paltrow support Clark?
Why would anyone care? Seriously. Who cares which candidate a celebrity endorses?
Friday, January 09, 2004
CNN.com - Mountain lion 'out for blood' killed after attacking bikers - Jan. 9, 2004
Why are humans so quick to kill an animal doing something totally within it's nature, but have an aversion to imposing the same fate on humans that kill other humans?
Monday, January 05, 2004
Friday, January 02, 2004
For all of you lucky enough to not have already heard me talk this to death (and with much thanks to those that have allowed endless obsession about this), the New York deal isn't dead. We are in the throes of negotiation and I'm dangling in this terrifying do I want this/do I not want this/what if the deal works/what if it doesn't space....
D and I have spent hours trolling real estate sites, and I have been trying to talk to mortgage brokers (which is not as easy as it sounds over the holidays) to figure out if it is even possible for us to buy there, and what salary I would need to be able to borrow what we need to get a reasonable house.
I've come to the point where I'm thinking an hour commute each way is acceptable. (Even in the snow...I mean, come on browneye...did you see the pool? the hot tub?)
Real estate prices are out of control in New York.
I'm out of control in Texas.
Oh the agonizing! Oh the highs! The lows! The drama.
But you know, life is pretty good when the stress you feel is from the possibility of something really cool happening for you and your family. Either way. If I don't move up there, things will change here. Let's just say, New York's interest has shifted some local perceptions of me. If I move to New York it will be because the job is going to be great experience and the lifestyle is something D and I want to experience.
Life is good! Seriously good! But seriously stress inducing. It is hard being a grown up, and the weight of the decision rests solely on my shoulders. I've never been a good negotiator...I'm just no good with bullshit and bluff.