So, where have you been lately? If you are anything like me you are in the throes of winter blahs. Ok, maybe that's overstating it. I'm just generally annoyed lately.
I'm annoyed that I couldn't make the New York job offer work.
I'm annoyed that I can make a decent pot of tea.
I'm annoyed that I'm turning thirty in a couple weeks. I don't know why, I really don't care about how old I am or how old you are.
Our wedding anniversary (7) is coming up. How is it that we've been married that long? Seriously. That's an awful long time to live in close quarters with someone. Thankfully, I generally don't stay annoyed with D. I think he's cute and funny. (And he sings love songs to himself in the shower, how can you not love that?)
I'm annoyed by the general damp and grey of winter.
I'm annoyed that I don't live closer to my friends.
I'm annoyed by work shit that it so singularly minute I can't even be bothered articulating it properly (but added up all together annoys the shit out of me).
But hey! Chin up little camper! There's always good stuff around the corner.
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