Welcome to Whoop-Whoop
Right. Cheers. Thanks alot.
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Monday, June 28, 2004
Diaper Cake
People! I made diaper cakes....three of them....on purpose....it was even my idea! That is pure hormone-related insanity. I blame being in close proximity of a hugely pregnant woman.
I rolled diapers for three days. Diaper cakes.
I'll post pics soon. I promise.
Other than that, california was fun. Kooky as always, but fun. How wonderful is it to see old friends? The best.
Monday, June 21, 2004
I'm on Holidays
I'm in LA for a week starting tomorrow. Didn't I tell you? Well, I'm telling you now. Be good.
Tuesday, June 15, 2004
oh! oh! oh! oh!
The bestest news today...ever! Confirmed travel plans from a dear friend of ours, making the trip across the pond to see us for the second time since we moved.
Note to other far away friends: that's what friends do...they come see us and partake of our suburban life!
MSNBC - Courteney Cox, husband just cuckoo about Coco
MSNBC - Courteney Cox, husband just cuckoo about Coco
Hmm, first there was Apple. Now Coco. This is officially a trend!
To all soon to give birth celebrities (Julia Roberts pay attention) I give you the following suggestions for your new babies:
1. Fudge Pop
2. Salsa (ooh! ethnicity points) or for less ethnicity:Sauce
3. Curry
4. Scrambled Eggs
5. Chutney
6. Plum
7. Beef Jerky
(You can thank me later.)
Monday, June 14, 2004
Little Pink Pig
Little Pink Pig
Did you know the little pink pig that is actually Allison's kitty Piglet has a blog? Well...he does. And Grover posts there as well. And they are too cute. I could just eat them up.
Sunday, June 13, 2004
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
Back Ache Solidarity
So my back has been playing up a gain, which is, quite frankly and quite literally, a major pain in the arse.
In a show of solidarity, Bess's back has started to act up as well. Today, after watching her writhe in pain yesterday evening, D and I bustled her off to the vet with a very worried and sinkining feeling. Unfortunately, her back is indeed inflammed and swollen at the site of her original injury/surgery. Fortunately, the vet thinks we can treat it medically (ie. drugs) at this point.
She and I have spent several hours today totally stoned on pain meds. We're so cool and hip that way. I've been teasing her today, asking if she's thinking about selling some of her "good shit" on the street to the kids looking to get high....
She thinks I'm ridiculous.
It's likely that I'm also quite lunatic at this point what with the drugs on board.
Sunday, June 06, 2004
In a thousand years, there will be no men and women, just wankers, and that's fine by me.
In my insomnia last night, I stumbled upon Trainspotting playing IFC. Brilliant!
I'm not one to watch the same movie more than a couple times. I mean, I like movies alright, but I'm no movie fanatic. There are very few movies I can stand to view more than a couple times.... and Trainspotting is one of those movies. It also has a fab soundtrack, one of my all time favourite "work music" cds.
As it turns out, I've had a bit of a trainspotting day of my own. I've been more or less stoned most of the day. My back has flared up again, and after a few hours of trying to soldier through it with an icepack and deep breathing I gave into the drugs. Which have made me dizzy and woozy for most of the day. Being stoned on painkillers also distorts your sense of time...so it's been a funny sort of day.
On a totally unrelated note, but for those of you who keep up with these sort of things... Lilly has gone to her new home. I laid off the drugs until after I dropped her off at her new home, and she was so bewildered I was leaving without her. It broke my heart. I cried all the way home like a retard. I'm sure she's already quite happy with her new best friend, but as for me and the gang...we're all a bit bummed.
Friday, June 04, 2004
Don't Envy Me...
Just because my husband (wearing his essendon bomber shorts,a rugby top, clogs and a cute white apron tied around his waist) just toddled over here for me to sniff test the rub he just made for his brisket masterpiece that he plans on cooking tomorrow.
I would say he might have even minced.....to ask me if the rub smelled like it needed anything.
And it doesn't. It smells absolutely gorgeous....just like him.
He also happens to be singing "I've been to paradise....but I've never been to meeeeeeee!" in falsetto.
You should be so lucky....