Tuesday, June 15, 2004

MSNBC - Courteney Cox, husband just cuckoo about Coco

MSNBC - Courteney Cox, husband just cuckoo about Coco


Hmm, first there was Apple. Now Coco. This is officially a trend!

To all soon to give birth celebrities (Julia Roberts pay attention) I give you the following suggestions for your new babies:
1. Fudge Pop
2. Salsa (ooh! ethnicity points) or for less ethnicity:Sauce
3. Curry
4. Scrambled Eggs
5. Chutney
6. Plum
7. Beef Jerky

(You can thank me later.)


At 5:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coco! She wants to live forever! She wants to learn how to fly - high!


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