Sunday, June 06, 2004

In a thousand years, there will be no men and women, just wankers, and that's fine by me.

In my insomnia last night, I stumbled upon Trainspotting playing IFC. Brilliant!

I'm not one to watch the same movie more than a couple times. I mean, I like movies alright, but I'm no movie fanatic. There are very few movies I can stand to view more than a couple times.... and Trainspotting is one of those movies. It also has a fab soundtrack, one of my all time favourite "work music" cds.

As it turns out, I've had a bit of a trainspotting day of my own. I've been more or less stoned most of the day. My back has flared up again, and after a few hours of trying to soldier through it with an icepack and deep breathing I gave into the drugs. Which have made me dizzy and woozy for most of the day. Being stoned on painkillers also distorts your sense of it's been a funny sort of day.

On a totally unrelated note, but for those of you who keep up with these sort of things... Lilly has gone to her new home. I laid off the drugs until after I dropped her off at her new home, and she was so bewildered I was leaving without her. It broke my heart. I cried all the way home like a retard. I'm sure she's already quite happy with her new best friend, but as for me and the gang...we're all a bit bummed.


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