Thursday, May 20, 2004

Turtle Saving Not Withstanding

Have I told you that it has been a very crummy day? Even Ollie agrees. He is sighing dramatically for the both of us. Posted by Hello

I haven't been so much crying as seeping all day. That horrible quiet sort of weepy seep when it is least convenient. Not so much weeping as eye leaking and non-stifleable (is that a word) sniffly nose. It is annoying and has left me with a cracker of a headache. Frustration about a financial stressor combined with news of my grandmother's (mild) heart attack have conspired to really just bum me out. Not to mention the bit of disappointment I harbor that I won't be going to Mexico in a few weeks as originally planned. It has been a year since my dad died, and I feel a need to just go home and think and see the crazy mexican contingency of the family. Oh, and add to that general work stress. My workload has recently increased significantly, and although I'm glad for interesting work...I'm really just worn out at the end of every day.

Sometimes, life can seem unbearably hard, even if it is only a temporary illusion.

I know, I know...not every day can be a great day...but it doesn't stop bad days from being bad and awful in a shocking and never-expected sort of way.


At 10:02 AM, Blogger Piggy and Grover said...

Look at that baby face!!! OH!! I lurve him!


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