Sunday, May 16, 2004

Party like it's 1992!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


1992 is the year I graduated from high school, and the year I was 18. I don't miss it, not even a tiny bitty bit. Ok, maybe I miss how tiny bitty I was with no effort, but I don't necessarily miss the age and all the ridiculousness that comes with it.

Yesterday I had flashbacks.

My older sister, younger sister and I went to a show (42nd Street! I confess, my favourite musical!), to dinner, and then "out on the town." Which led my older sister and I to contemplate a tactical issue we hadn't had to face for over ten years (ahem, at least)....what to do to go "out" when you are underage. And ridiculously cute! And you want to dance!

So, my friends and foes, I found myself at an 18 and up club. My sisters and I. My older sister and I thought we'd be like grannies at a tea, but that, whatever, we'd endure thumping bass and raging hormones for little sister's benefits. Firstly, cover charge? God. I'd forgotten... if I'm going to go out now a days I go for a quiet sort of pub with an outdoor area (I'm hideously intolerant of cigarette smoke, it makes me physically ill) and no cover. Secondly, the girls standing on podiums and serving beers were randomly wearing nothing but a thong and a skimpy top. The fuh? Finally, older sister and I were by far NOT the oldest souls there...and there were party of older people there....on purpose. One was proudly celebrating her 40th and grinding it on the dance floor. Honestly.

Oh god, the seething mass of hormones dancing to mindnumbing songs that are cool with kids these days. The boys, smelling of copious amounts of cheap cologne, copping cheap feels of half-cut girls....who are standing on whatever elevated area they can find and simulating energetic sex with poles/rails/themselves/each other. It was one rocking party place!

Yeah! So that was my night! I partied like it was 1992 again, except for the part where I'm "partying" and came home and had my cup of milky tea and felt old and crotchety.

PS. On the drive home little sister said "that club was pretty lame." Ah, fantasies of what it is to "PAAAAAAAAAA-RRRRTY!" shattered already......


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