The clogs were such a hit, that I must confess that I have a pair of my own on their wayto me now.
D wears his EVERYWHERE. Very cute, and apparently quite comfy... he says they form a hermetic seal on his feet.
Right. Cheers. Thanks alot.
The clogs were such a hit, that I must confess that I have a pair of my own on their wayto me now.
Squirrels = Little Winos in Furry Suits
Lesson learned (again): A day full of annoyances and misunderstandings can be easily defused, on the back deck, in the warm breeze, a bottle of wine and a sympathetic ear.
I'm exhausted. It has been a long day. I'll just say this: Why can't people just be straight with each other? What does it serve to not be upfront and then expect the other party to somehow just understand something that has never been articulated?
A Momentous Weekend!
Here's Lilly!
Where am I again?
No, I don't know why there are big ass margins at the top and bottom of this page. Yes, someday I will grow up and have a "real" webpage. No, it's not friday yet (despite my brain's continual attempts to convince us). Yes, my husband is a big KNOB about his new cell phone. No, the counter fermented sour pickles did not poison us. Yes, the pickled beets are divine. No, my new garden hasn't died yet. Yes, the cheesemaking excitement is well justified.
B12.....In with the In Crowd!(and hip!) (hip! get it?)
I'm back. From New Orleans. You did know I was going didn't you? Well, I'm back anyways. Geez, I love New Orleans. Especially when the weather is as beautiful as it was Tuesday and Wednesday. I ate yummy food and got to walk around the quarter quite a bit on Wednesday before my first meeting. I picked up some olive salad and a muffaletta (from central grocery of course) to bring home for D (and for me!) The meetings were an absolute waste, but whatever, New Orleans!