Welcome to Whoop-Whoop
Right. Cheers. Thanks alot.
Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Things I've never seen:
1. Caramel-Camel coloured pants that looked good on any woman. Ever.
2. Frat-like and franticly loved movies like: Animal House, Caddy Shack, Blue Brothers etc.
3. A dog I didn't love.
4. A diet book that actually told you the guaranteed and simple way to lose weight:
- Eat less than you are eating now
- Move more than you are moving now
Monday, December 29, 2003
Saturday, December 27, 2003
Friday, December 26, 2003
Happy Boxing Day
Hope yours was a satisfactory as ours. Started with a big sleep in, followed by a big talk with a best mate in Perth, then a quick whip round the shops for kitchen organising shite, and then finished with a nice quiet meal out (sushi in the burbs).
It may not be an exciting life, but some days it suits me right down to the boots.
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Koff Koff
My SARS/Tuberculosis/Flu/Pneumonia like affliction is abating. Thank christ.
I'm over my New York disappointment. C'est la vie.
D is all a twitter making a ham (yes, I know, not very vegetarian) for christmas eve....and I have to say it smells gorgeous (with a gingersnap crust).
The dogs are extra snuggly on cold nights.
That is the state of play here.
Hope your christmas is lovely!
Monday, December 22, 2003
Sometimes, no matter how bad you want something...it just isn't meant to be. So you make the right decision, and you are sensible. You give that something a pass. And everyone nodss in agreement that this was the right decision.
And yet, quietly and secretly (or maybe not so quietly and secretly) it totally sucks. Your heart breaks just a little because you are convinced that it could have been so great, if only it weren't for those (not so small details) that made it not so great. In the optimism of hopes and dreams, that "something" was infinitely rosy. And, what makes it so difficult to accept that it's not right, is that you don't ever live through the downside...you just know it is there lurking (your brain knows it, but your heart refuses to accept it as truth.)
And, somehow, no matter how many times you go through this exercise (ie. of passionately wanting something that isn't going to work out), it never gets any easier.
And, you count your blessings that you have friends that understand you exactly where you are. And you look forward to the next great possibility.
Sunday, December 21, 2003
Central Illinois German Shepherd Dog Rescue - Urbana, IL
Attention all you northern dog lovers, any chance that ANY one of you could take a needy GSD? Or barring that, donate a bit for the food/care of these poor babies? Or even volunteer some time to go walk/pet these dogs. (See side bar for details.)
In the end, I think nearly 160 dogs were seized in this raid. Imagine. Poor babies.
Saturday, December 20, 2003
New York was exciting and fun. I got two see to good friends, as well as did well on my interview. In fact, they've offerred me the job! Unfortunately, the offer, as it stands isn't enough to make it worthwhile to move. Boooooo!
Still, it was a great experience with unexpected side benefits!
Monday, December 15, 2003
Economist.com | The world's expanding waistline
Interesting short article in The Economist on "the scourge of the modern world," that is, obesity.
This wednesday I'm flying up to New York to attend a job interview. I know! Seriously. I know. At the least it will be an adventure-ette, at most, I may be relocating.
Saturday, December 13, 2003
Have you seen Nicole lately? She's HOT!
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
Revolving door
Tyke went to his new family friday. We already have a new dog boarder. That's the reality of it. There are always more dogs that need help than space for them.
Will post an update about the Josie soon.
Friday, December 05, 2003
drugstore.com - Johnson & Johnson First Aid Advanced Care, Advanced Healing Adhesive Pads
After a traumatic experience with my arm burn (in which I almost passed out in the women's toilets when trying to deal with stuck guaze pads etc), I slapped one of these on last night. It has alleviated the discomfort, for now. After slapping it on I decided to read the instructions. Was horrified to read "Not recommended for burns...." Um, I think I will pass out when I try to take it off.
Thursday, December 04, 2003
Just so you know...
how people refer to psychotropic meds as happy pills. It just goes to show you how ridiculous and uninformed, and uniterested people are in their health. Laziness! That's what it is! No one wants to be responsible even for their moods. They are not "happy pills" they are chemical aids to balance an imbalance in your brains people. Like a diabetic that takes insulin. Or a high blood pressure patient that takes meds. Your moods should be stabilized, but you will not ever be happy until you get off your duff and do those things you need to do to bring peace to your life.
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
The Secret of Grits
Now that it's gotten cooler outside, I love to have a warm breakfast. My warm breakfast sludge of choice has always been grits. My big dilemma with grits is that I can't be bothered cooking them on the stove, but grits in the microwave usually ends in disaster. Well, I'm happy to report that I've come up with a methodology for making my grits in the microwave without suffering grit overflow, and unfortunate and nasty burns that come from tryign to clean up grit lava in the microwave. (I've had enough of burning myself at the moment, thanks.)
I'm sure you will all sleep better tonight knowing that grits are no longer such a dangerous activity for me.
Monday, December 01, 2003
I've been unusually injury-prone this past few days. I have a burn on my arm that sizzled like bacon. Revolting. I also have a burn on my thumb, but that one didn't sizzle...it's only minor.
That coupled with the cassava incident can only lead me to believe that a form of alien hand syndrome is at work, and some submerged personality of mine is trying to do me in.