Thursday, February 28, 2002


Wednesday, February 27, 2002

Alzheimers-free baby.

I know this is going to make me sound like a radical...but it begs to question...why is this woman reproducing at all? Not to be darwinian...but, what about the future of the child? Yes, it will be alzheimer's free...but with a mother who will completely disabled to the point where she won't be able to recognise her own child?

Tuesday, February 26, 2002

Why the Muslims Misjudged Us

An interesting read....what do you think?

Monday, February 25, 2002

Things I learned this weekend:
1. The drive between Houston and San Antonio seems shorter ever time I drive it, but it is still a hell of a trip to go there and back in one day.
2. Ruby absolutely loses her little mind at even the mere sight of a rat. From now on, show her the rats in PetCo just before you leave instead of just as you enter...unless you want her to careen in wild circles and mad dashes trying to get back to in front of the rat aquarium the entire. time. you. are. there.
3. Kiss is OLD. I mean, really really old. You know they are old when all they can manage to do is play the same refrain over and over and over again in quarter speed. Old men look even more ridiculous than young men in make up and tights. Icons turned old rockers should just hide and quit doing the rock thing, it just scares the babies.
4. D is the coolest kid on the block.
5. A blister on top of a healing blister on your thumb (you know, xbox injury) hurts even more than the original infectious blister.

Friday, February 22, 2002

I'm feeling a bit blue.

Thursday, February 21, 2002

How upsetting, days and days of work with very little time for dilly-dallying.

On the model is a work of art...(if I do say so myself).

Do you know that are an obscene number of giant lumbering taco trucks on I45 in the morning? Why? Where do they all go? I can't imagine there is that much demand for tacos that they have to travel....

75% don't look very roadworthy. The implications are more than I can deal with. The first time there is a traffic jam due to a taco spill on the road I'm going to go mental.

How are you?

Towads the end, there are some very good points made: The Chronicle: 2/22/2002: Good Work, Well Done: a Psychological Study

Wednesday, February 20, 2002


Of all the places in the world,his is not the city I would expect for a porn bash.

Devin and Sydnee (I'm sure their real names) will reveal their intimate secrets. Yep. Secrets. They still have some.

Tuesday, February 19, 2002

Australian dual-citizenship bill introduced!

(P35 &36)

Hoorah for all of us with dual-nationality marriages.....let's hope it goes through will make our lives that much less complicated.

Neat in a math-geek sort of way!

Here's an interesting email I got the other day:
Subject: Interesting tidbit from the Naval Time Observatory

As the clock ticks over from 8:01PM on Wednesday, February 20th, 2002, time
will (for sixty seconds only) read in perfect symmetry. To be more precise:
20:02, 20/02, 2002. It is an event which has only ever happened once before,

and is something which will never be repeated. The last occasion that time
read in such a symmetrical pattern was long before the days of the digital
watch (or the 24-hour clock): 10:01AM, on January 10, 1001. And because the
clock only goes up to 23.59, it is something that will never happen again.

The 20th of Feb is my mother's birthday...

Were you aware that the world was meant to end last friday?


You love.


Why are people so screwed up?

This is absolutely ridiculous! What is ridiculous is that people are willing to (publicly) participate!

Monday, February 18, 2002


No one can see you when you wear your bright orange parka.

Temptation Island

I'm fascinated and repulsed by this show. Why? Why?

Four devoted couples? Please! About as devoted as I am to the church of vienna sausages.

If they are so devoted then why are they participating in such a degrading and ridiculous show?

People are funny.

We must face the facts! Lay's is undeniably the best chip maker around.

It's true.

I have a confession to make:

I'm a complete lay's potato chip addict. Espcially "limon" flavoured. Lime and Lay's Chips.....together in a bag!!! The fact that they took one of my favourite snacks (that is a bowl of lay's drenched with lime) proves that it is a genius combination. (Fact: Lime makes everything, and I mean everything, taste better.)

I. Can't. Stop. Eating. Them.

Sunday, February 17, 2002

Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo 2002

Where we spent our Saturday.

Everytime I see cows up close I question my ability to eat meat. They are just so alive......

what a personal conflict....

Thursday, February 14, 2002

On second thought, don't eat that gumby chip!


This has got to be the craziest story I've read in a long time...

New Jersey?

Wednesday, February 13, 2002

lunch time reading

This is a cracker editorial!

Why didn't I think of this?


Great concept...even bigger balls...

Tuesday, February 12, 2002

This is morbid.....skeletons and dismembered hands and feet?

(There was a photo of the quilt on the front page of the paper)


They have got to be joking!



Gadgets for God: The Blessed Bandage

coming soon....the blessed gumby used kleenex.....

(thanks j-ha)

Monday, February 11, 2002



Especially appropriate after we had chicken fajitas that were of questionable palatability yesterday evening....

Friday, February 08, 2002

Zippyweb: Journal

I'm not the only crazy dog-person...

cute dogs do strange this to otherwise normal people...

I wonder what ruby & bess's blog would say?

It would probably include the following links:

yappy hour!

E.T. phone home!


Thursday, February 07, 2002


Fishy Business!

Buyer beware.

Tiffany just wants to show us all how much she's grown.


(link pilfered from Smartass Blog )

Snot in the morning.

You love it.

Wednesday, February 06, 2002


eBay item 1069619239 (Ends Feb-06-02 20:48:02 PST ) Blink Off!

Is there any way we can find a blink on device? You know, for those Houston drivers that don't realise they actually can use their blinkers to indicate that they are about to cut you off?


A lunchtime read.

The ultimate satan deathmatch.

The economist continues to provide well written and, dare I say, even amusing articles.


People are funny.

I've often joked about taking a kitsch americana tour. This place would be on the agenda along with Graceland....

Does it get better (meaning worse)?

The Savvy Traveler

Something to put in my personal links folder...

Like karaoke on caffeine!



Now, perhaps I could get some funding for some other obvious studies:
*The is blue...
*Gravity causes things to fall towards the earth, not away...
*Puberty changes the human body...
*When it rains, Houstonians drive even more spastically than usual causing horrendous rush-hour traffic snarls...

Horse gives birth to donkey [06feb02]

That headline just tickled me.....

largest, hairiest......

Tuesday, February 05, 2002

The Trouble With Self-Esteem

Very interesting.

What do you think?

(link from metafilter .)

Ok....the cutesy template only lasted a couple of weeks. This one is much more suitable.


To all driving north from Houston in the a.m. and south from The Woodlands in the p.m.:

Let's review...the far left lane (ie. the inside lane, yes that one right next to the concrete barrier) is for PASSING ONLY. I know, I know... we are all trying to reach the same destination. But, I must insist, unless you are actively passing a slower vehicle....get the freak out of the left lane!

Monday, February 04, 2002

Could this be another name for the legendary leb-leb?



I want this.


I have a certain penchant for old cookbooks. I'm convinced they provide some of the best social commentary of their time.

A definate must have for the bookshelf.
Who Cut The Cheese?

Things to think about when you drive to work:
1. Where does the soul live?
2. What is the soul?
3. Do we transmit at different frequencies?
4. Would that explain instant "connections" with certain people/pictures/sounds/moments in time?
5. Chicken or egg?

Big news downunder!

God, I miss Perth sometimes.

Not to self, your life is great!

Everyone esle, do you think you have what it takes to survivethis this sort of devestation? I wonder...

How much of who we think we are is tied up in what we see when we look in the mirror? No matter how much you intellectualize it, it seems impossible to get away from the idea of your "self" as what you see....

FOUND magazine.

I find this sort of stuff intriguing. I often think of these sort of things as the stuff future archeologists might dig up about our civilization. It makes for an interesting pictures of our world as we know it and makes you wonder about our assumptions of previous civilizations.

Link via wisdom.

When she says I come up with the most bizarre links, she's definately forgotten that she comes up with a few kooky ones herself.

Case in point, she emailed me this link over the weekend.

Friday, February 01, 2002

Love her!

I also lose (not the word usage) my mind at people who don't know the difference between lose and loose.

Did you note? I do not 'loose' my mind, nor do I hope to 'loose' weight.

Moving right along.......

(Let me try this again!)

My first FridayFive!

1.Have you ever had braces? Any other teeth trauma?
No braces. I had a retainer at some point in my life....
Teeth trauma? Oh goodness....I had the worst ever wisdom tooth extraction is a horrible story that involves never quite getting the root of one of the teeth numbed enough...oh torture! I have the worst teeth ever, every time I go to the dentist I have a cavity. Unlike D, who has never had one SINGLE cavity in his life (people please!).

2. Ever broken any bones?
I cracked my wrist when I was little, on a wooden swing seat. It happened right before a big summer swimming party (and I had a old plaster cast to above my elbow), and it also happened during kindergarten when we were first learning to write letters (my excuse for my poor handwriting). The cast got moldy before the end of the summer, and my grandfather sawed it off for me in his back foyer.

3. Ever had stitches?
Two, (x marks the spot) below my lip on the right side. I was jumping from the top of a dresser to my bed and back. Such fun, until I missed and impaled my lip on a wicker cabinet at the base of my bed. My parents were not pleased.

4. What are the stories behind some of your [physical] scars?
Various acts of clumsiness. Notable scars include a scar on my right calf where I burned my leg on the muffler of my father's motorbike (still there even though it is over 20 years old). Scars on my left wrist, elbow and knee...from the same incident when I worked for the rich lawyer. Her spastic dog escaped the backyard and I tried to go after it though I was on rollerblades. That dog knocked me over in the rich next door neighbour's driveway. The lawyer was more pissed that the dog escaped and me dripping blood on her carpet than my wounds.

I have various scars from sunspots and moles being removed....a side effect of having a (former) plastic surgeon.

5. How do you plan to spend your weekend?
D and I plan to do as little as possible, outside of spending some time with my granparents tomorrow and helping my grandmother find a computer desk.

We'll probably take some good long dog walks, play xbox, watch tv and take plenty of naps.

My first

Everybody! Y-M-C-A!

This picture cracked me up....


I guess I must be conservative, but I figure if you already live together and have a child are MARRIED....

This whole living together, making a family and then being shocked but pleased that he's popped the question just seems strange to me. You've made the committment already, you have formed the have already made a union.

A child is a committment....which almost pales in comparison to actually having a wedding. Also, she's spoken of herself as the "perfect corporate wife."

To me, weddings like this seem almost like a farce, when you've already committed yourselves together in the raising of a child and the formation of a family....whether or not you've worn a white dress (ha!) and walked down an are joined..a do the hysterics of a wedding (and don't even get me started on my thoughts of the history of marriage etc.)

What do you think?