Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Keen Yearning

Nostalgia is an amazing thing. It absolutely boggles what I get nostalgic for. This morning all the way to work and even now, I've had the strongest yearning to make the drive from Daglish to Innaloo shopping center. I can picture the entire route. I can imagine strolling through the shopping center after dashing into coles for some groceries. I would also stop by the fish mongers for a nice piece of fish. Not that those are things I can't necessarily get here, but it's the entire scene that I miss. I would like to lay my eyes on that scrounge pub across the road, the one that has the raunchies on friday. I'd like to look on the "Lone Star Steakhouse" and get that smirky feeling I used to get thinking about "home."

I'd like to see the bottlebrush trees along the road back, and know that just over to the right..not so far away is city beach.


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