Dia de los Muertos
Today is the day Mexicans remember their dead, and celebrate their lives. I am not religious, but this year I thought about making a little ofrenda for my dad. Mostly I joked about it to freak D out. So, in the end, I don't have an offrenda up, but I am thiking about him.
That must be why I dreamed of my father last night. I haven't dreamed of him since months and months before his death. My dreams while he was alive were dreams of silence. The dreams were always the same, a feeling of frustration while he sat silently and refused to interact with me.
Last night I dreamt that he and I were in the back of a car, on the way to a meeting. I was confused and kept clarifying that he was, indeed, dead. He assured me he was, but that what he really wanted to discuss was business. Namely, the little business idea D and I have. He was very encouraging and discussed strategy with me. I found the entire dream odd, even while I was having it, but savored it as well. Now I will secret it in my heart, it may have taken my dad until after death...but I finally feel like I got some sort of validation from him.
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