Sunday, December 22, 2002

The Current State of Affairs

The knee: Oh god. For the love of all that is holy and sacrosanct, how in the world did I manage to forget how horrendously painful road rash/skinned knees are? And revolting as well.

Cracking Headaches: So, not only am I hobbling about (and badly at that) due to obvious physical trauma....the disco move was even less graceful than I first thought. (Um, if that is possible.) As I woke up yesterday with a cracking headache....probably due to a jarred neck/back...or at least that was Dr. D's diagnosis.

The Garden: On a very suburban note.... we have (and when I say "we" I mean D) duly raked up leaves, mowed and done other useful house-ownership type chores this weekend. We are still resisting the pressure to put up Christmas lights and lighted wireform deer.

The Benny: We (and by "we" I mean me) nixed the young couple that wanted him and have gone with the more practical choice of a potential adopter in Austin. Which means we'll be driving to Brenham next Sunday (half-way point and home of the bluebell creamery) so they can meet. Nice. Look, the couple wanted to keep him in a crate 12 hours a day, and this lady wants a dog to be her best companion (ie. sleep in bed with her). The choice was easy

And that, kiddos, is it for now. I'm being come sit in the sun and drink my coffee while the does some things with to the soil with a garden implement.

Life is fine.

Late breaking update:

The Hoi-Polloi: Still cramming themselves into the closest mall and going mental with the gift purchasing. Ech. And speaking of Christmas...

Christmas traditions: I would say the D and I have none...but we both know that would be a lie. As per usual we bought a box of cards with full intent that this would be the year we actually sent them out...especially to the overseas gang. Alas, true to tradition....the cards are still completely unopened, unaddressed and unsent.


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