Sunday, September 07, 2003

Fatness as a theme in our house:

1. With my share of the footy winnings I bought the only logical thing I could think of: a deep fryer. Fresh fried corn chips, you are my true love.

2. We had a friend visit us this Friday, flying through from Melbourne to a conference in Orlando. We tried to cram is as much Houston as we could into one day. As a result, I ate three more or less completely full fat meals in one day. (Biscuits with sausage gravy for brekkie, gumbo and half a shrimp po-boy for lunch, and fajitas for dinner...see I tried to moderate it a least I didn't have the cheese enchiladas for dinner like I wanted...) I'm still fasting to recover from that. His comment was that he may have eaten more cheese in one day than he has in his entire life. And fried.

3. I couldn't stand it, and it was truly an emergency...and so we have a foster dog at the moment. We've named him Carson. He's about a year and a half old....and he's obese. It's not cute. It's sad. Don't get me wrong....he's absolutely adorable...but he is so grossly overweight it makes me sad. He waddles when he walks. His fat undulates in waves when he moves. The D took him for a ten minute walk this morning (hours ago) and he's still recovering. Poor baby boy. So he's on strict rations and an exercise schedule. It is quite sad....he often walks around with an empty food bowl in his mouth looking quite forlorn and confused.


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