Wednesday, July 09, 2003

Last night I just happened to catch this movie on the Sundance channel.

Now I remember when it was realeased and I had absolutely NO desire to see it. Seriously. But last night, the dulcet flat tones of a true aussie accent sucked me in. Eric Bana (Poyter!) as a young Chopper is yummy (his acting is also quite impeccable as an older Chopper with the first yumminess of youth gone). That aside, the movie was fab! Seriously. Chopper Read is a nutter for sure, but he quite likeable in a larrikin like way. This movie was very Tarrantino-esque, but not in the tired way that makes so many movies in that vein since "Pulp Fiction" forgettable.

In fact, seeing as I missed the first half-hour, I'd even be apt to watch it again.


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