Love....such a beautiful thing.
Being in a "relationship" is always work. Always. Being married? Work. Getting annoyed on a continual basis? Guaranteed.
No, D and I aren't fighting. No, I'm not filing for divorce. Please people, unwad the panties.
It is just that he is making me insane lately. The very fact that we (two adult human beings) coexist in such close quarters is enough to make the person-phobic girl mad. (Not mad as in pissed, mad as in insane.)
Meanwhile, he's happy as larry and refuses to acknowledge how annoyed I am. He thinks it is funny.
I? Do not.
That being said. The most annoying part is that I think he is funny. Even when I'm trying to ignore him because of the annoyance....I end up being made to laugh. It does nothing for my credibility.
At least his parents are on "my side." (Used loosely people, I know I know, Orka-losophy would tell me that there is only one side in a marriage or some other feel good bullshit.) Last night his dad rang, I said "B, your son is being a complete prick!" At which point D picked up the phone and his dad said to him "Oy, you! Stop being an asshole to Cass." Yay!
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