Fate...Believe It
(This is what I emailed to Jodi and Allison yesterday.)
So I called a woman I met a month or so ago at a rescue thingy at our local animal shelter about Mr. Thing (the pood) at home. She does "small dogs" but mostly shnauzers, and she's as picky about adopters as we are. Right.
So our conversation went like this:
Me: Hi Bev. You probably don't remember me, I'm with Beagle Rescue, and I was calling to see if you had room for a dog in your program. He's a min poodle, and he is a bit of a mess right now, but i just couldn't leave him in the shelter, and....
Bev (cutting in): A poodle? What color?
Me: Grey and White
Bev: I've got an adopter for him! It is a him right? They want a male.
Me: Yes, it's a him. Wait, you don't understand he's a MESS. He has no fur. He is a complete mess, I can hold him a couple weeks until he look a bit more decent. I don't know his heartworm status either.
Bev: No! He's perfect. A couple I've been working with had to put their 18 year old min poodle down about three weeks ago and they are HEARTBROKEN. They've been asking me to keep an eye out for a poodle. They will love him, they need a project and a down and out dog to focus on. In fact, they will pay for all the medical treatment he needs. The are very well off and their dog was their child.
Me: Are you sure? I mean, really, I didn't intend to just spring this dog on you. (aside: my pet peeve, other rescue groups that pick up a dog "on our behalf" and then want us to take it immediately).
Bev: No, really, in fact I have an open neuter spot this afternoon. And you know, if for some reason they don't take him, we'll get him into our program...we've always got requests for poodles.
So there you go.......I swear to you, the times that I've taken a dog knowning that it was insane and not a beagle and not a good decision (ie. Prince, or Rufus, or Rosso), it seems that those dogs were really meant for someone. I swear, you just see something in their eyes and you know that is someone's dog in there facing a death sentence......
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