Tuesday, December 31, 2002

It's all fun and games until someone throws rocks onto my back deck...

Usually, I'm a pretty easy going neighbour. If our dogs bark more than a few times D and I go outside and herd them back in. We don't leave them alone in the backyard because we don't want them to be a nuisance.

One of our backfence neighbours has a dog that barks incessantly. Generally, we try to be good natured about it. Also, their kids are shrieking banshees. Again, we generally don't pay it much mind.

But, I do believe the children of said neighbour have just officially declared war with me. They have no idea what a mean old lady I can be.

Last night, we heard some thumping sounds from outside...but generally discounted these as deritus falling due to high winds etc. Nope. This morning the D found big rocks (mind you, not pebbles) on our back deck...frightfull close to our back windows. Rocks that look suspiciously like those rocks under back neighbours overbuilt playset.

Not only that, he was out there puttering around the garden when the kid that lives in that house came sailing into his backyard. I don't think he knew D was out there because as soon as one of our dogs barked, he went and let his maniac dog out and then started kicking the fence.

D told him "Oy, you cut that out. And if I ever find another rock on my back deck I'm coming over to tell your parents."

The kid went inside and took his dog.

Actually, kid, you get no free out of jail card with me, I've got a pile of rocks here and tonight I'm coming over to pay a little visit to your parents.


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