Wednesday, November 12, 2003

We love Harry...

Last night the D and I went to hear Harry Connick Jr at Jones Hall in Houston. Yay! We'd been so looking forward to it. Harry is a bit of a tradition with us, and we try to catch him in concert whenever possible.

We saw him a couple times even in Perth! Harry on the stereo was one way we would pass the time on the long drive between Perth and Gero. I especially love hearing the D sing along to HC jr cds, affecting a super super cute american accent.

Last night didn't disappoint. I was a bit tentative, as I'm not a huge fan of "christmas" concerts...but Harry's rendition of "Basin Street Blues" (featuring Lucien Barbarin, who I have loved since I saw him play with HC jr in '92 and who is just cute as a bug) was superb. "Basin Street Blues" is one of those classics that just makes me happy. It made me happy to my toes.

Another highlight was when Harry, Lucien and Leroy Jones played "Bourbon Street Parade." Yay again!

Overall, I think we enjoyed this concert much more than we did when he last played Houston a couple years ago (that's the concert where D told the nattering women behind us that he'd pay them to shut up.)

Make sure to catch him and his band if he's playing a venue near you... you can't help but go home grinning.


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