Saturday, November 08, 2003

I'm thoroughly disheartened about people for a few reasons. I was going to write all about it, but I'm already sick of my whiny attitude about it. (Thanks to Nicole who let me have a moan.) Suffice it to say the majority of my shittiness is due to dog-related neglect stuff.

Right now I'm watching a documentary on Afghanistan. What a horrible and sad situation that country is in.... But, maybe this is not being culturally sensitive, why are these people procreating? All these starving kids....why continue to procreate when you know there is not hope for a decent life for your offspring. (By decent, in this situation, I mean not enough food to eat.) Is it a cultural thing? I'm undecided about this situation in the context of Afghanistan.

Here, in the western world, I'm not undecided about how I feel about this. You know, every once in a while I think about having kids. I want to have kids someday, maybe. I say maybe, because I only want to have kids if I can see a reasonable future for them and us. That is, I can't see my way to procreating until I'm reasonably sure that we have both the emotional and financial reserves required to provide them with a secure and happy life. I'm not talking about gobs of money so that they have everything they want immediately. I'm just talking about a roof over their heads, relaxed parents who aren't fighting over how to pay for groceries, parents who have their heads on straight and aren't still running about and emotionally unstable etc.

I see so many people who have no such concerns. It worries me. It makes me feel hopeless. If people can't even be decent and responsible about their own offspring, I know they will never be responsible about any pets that have the misfortune to be part of their lives.


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