Monday, May 26, 2003

Sooooooooo.... how was your weekend?

I gotta tell you, mine peaked pretty early. I have to say the top moment of this holiday weekend happend on Friday night at the engine room. We were watching a pretty mediocre band and were a bit young for the crowd. There was a fellow there, resplendent in tatty orange t-sirt, shorts, and flip flops (!) jamming out. He was not even 5 feet tall, and rather balding. But that didn't stop him from some heavy duty air guitar. D and I were in stitches. The entire effect was even more comedic due to the fact that his arms hung down almost below his knees. In general, he was very chimp like.

The rest of the weekend was excessively baseball (at some point in a drunken daze I agreed to go to the baseball not only once, but twice), house projecty, and dog mad (see below).

(I'm still battling the horrendous walls in my bathroom).


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