Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Oink, Oink, Oink

Today I met my sister and a group of her friends at this fine establishment for lunch. No really, it is an inoffensive-ish salad bar type place. It is located near the upscale mall in our suburb.

Some observations:

1. "All you care to eat" is the nice way of saying "all you can shovel down your gullet."
2. The ladies who lunch in this suburb dress in horrendous atrocious "summer separates." (Yes, that means floral capris, and pastel coloured pant suits).
3. Even 17 year old boys are no match for the house. In the case of buffets, the house always wins. I saw their folly when I noticed that they'd gotten platefuls of questionable pizza.
4. Pear and Gorgonzola salad with sugared walnuts and balsamic dressing? Sure it may be a buffet...but this is yummy.
5. There are many many many seniors that enjoy large servings of the complimentary soft-serve (read: listeria mousse) icecream. Multiple bowls.


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