On revolting food smells in the office...
Oh god, I was going to write a little rant about this myself yesterday. The stench that people unleash at lunch (or actually through out the day).
We have already discussed my revulsion at the stench of microwave popcorn. But, I'm right there with Mid on the toast stench.
There is a guy (using the term loosely) that (ever.single.fucking.day) makes himself: 2 pieces of white toast (buttered) with a huge glass of milk. Watching him go through the entire song and dance of making himself this yummy snack is almost worth the stench invasion. It's like a ritual, complete with placement of opened paper towel in front of toaster.
But, let it be known, I am thankful for small mercies. There was a time in this office, not long ago, when two strange women discovered the joy that is fat-free hot dogs (retch)...and even bought one of those hotdog heater/bun toaster contraptions. This was their breakfast of choice. For weeks.
As for me, I book it out of here for lunch (since I have like a five minute commute) and try to avoid most of the stench and "eating at my desk" sound effects.
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