I would like everyone to know that I've had better days....
Not that anything is teribly amiss, but it started rather badly.....near on midnight last night. Damn familial insomnia! Damn you! Damn you!
Ruby's inherited from me....she and I only managed to doze off now and again all night. Not that D's snoring helped. I think we've both got a touch of hayfever and house buying stress induced neck aches. So, while I don't sleep at all, he sleeps poorly.
I was rather cross and cranky b/c the sellers kept being wishy washy about doing the repairs we needed them to do in order to make the deal a for sure thing. Our option period on the house ended yesterday with no response to our amendement re: repairs. Then they responded that they would do them (hoorah!) then they changed their minds and said they needed another day (boo!)
So I was little ms. cranky pants herself about it all. Sometimes I rather dislike people in general... and these sellers in particular.
So, when I got out of bed this morning (complete with complete disorientation from the last snippet of tumultuous dream that is typical of my insomnia nights, on this ocassion I had a dachsund that had to have it's tail removed and I hung out with Louis Armstrong again) I was already feeling a bit less than my usual cheerful self.
Then I realised that I'd forgotten to take my stupid medicine yesterday (the medicine, not me, is stupid)....how did I know you ask? Well, I think I had the first clue when the world started to spin and the floor felt like it was at a distinct angle. Then the roiling of the stomach in general. Nice.
I had to wait until it kicked in enough to make it safe to drive to work.
That made me late.
There was an abundance of crankiness.
But, guess what? I'm back on the upswing. The seller has finally agreed to the repairs (including a bit of a toilet drama) and my loan was completely approved and the spinning has pretty much abated and it is on the late side of midday and the Dster has put some home brews in the fridge and sunny days are here again.
Thank you.
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