Friday, May 24, 2002

Dia de Los Muertos Art

Just so as you know, this is going to be the theme for decorating in our new house...that is when we finally find it.

Did I tell you that the other day I went to look at house that had a tiny little half-bath (that's the polite american way of saying that dirty dirty dirty word "toilet") under the stairs? It was totally decked out like a confessional, I shit you not (pun intended). There were like 5 crucifixes in there (and trust me, this was a tiny tiny tiny little alcove of a room), painted in a browney-beigey colour, and the mirror had a frame that mimicked the lines of a church steeple...

Oh the jokes we could make out of that one room alone.....

Unfortunately (fortunately) the back wasn't completely fenced so it was a NO GO!


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