Now then, onto other news...sort of.
I finished the afghan. Oh yes I did. A completed craft project? That is a first for me. Not only that, I've gone crochet crazy!
I have since then also finished up a dog-sized afghan for Ruby (what you don't know is that the first crochet project was actually a doggie afghan for Bess...who likes to wear it as a cape)...and am now starting a baby blanket for my new niece.
It's insane!
It's also very's almost like should try it.
Now then, for a beagle update...
Bess is resting (if fitfully) on her ORTHAPEDIC !!!! doggy bed. It's true. See how we've truly gone around the bend.
Also, I found another promsing house candidate yesterday. In fact, I have to admit to already planning the future projects I'd do there (namely a trellis to the side of the covered porch...perhaps with a climbing jasmine or some other sort of flower).... this, ofcourse, means that D would not love it.
The only major thing I can see wrong with it at this point (besides it being wood, and on a small lot) is that it has an electric range...and he and I would dearly love a proper gas range. But, that is a minor detail that we can address later...right?
Finally, in brewing news....the third batch of beer is gorgeous if I do say so myself. This weekend we'll be brewing proper ginger beer...and then we'll decide what to do next. We're thinking something kooky like a recipe we saw for a watermelon is summer after all.....
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