Tuesday, May 20, 2003

Dress code is a funny thing down here in tex-ass....yeah, boy howdy it is...

So we went to a cheesy little suburban pick up bar (that is the D and I) to hang out with a friend for a couple rounds. We like this bar because the patrons always provide entertainment. I've written about it before but am too lazy to link here. So....

So, there we are. D is dressed casually as he usually is...you know, just your average suburban wear. We didn't even think twice about a dress code or going to this funky little divey place (read: not at all hipster trendy place to see and be seen). Last time we were there we were seated directly behind a "girls night out party"...mutton dressed up as lamb in daisy dukes and their fancier flip flops. So. Right. I've set the scene for you. I'm in work gear...D is in shorts, t-shirt, and baseball cap. Our friend is in work gear. All is well, though the bartender in his bad mid-ninties chandleresque bowlingish shirt loathes us immediately. I think is because I made fun of the poofter martini glasses they served the tequila in (They were drinking tequila, I was not). So, D, midway through our second round sort of mindlessly turns his cap backwards. Probably to be stupid, but I hardly noticed. Suddenly, the bartender (who by the way is like three feet tall) is there tapping D on the shoulder and saying discretely "Um, look, man...we don't really have a formal dress requirement here, but could you turn your cap around?" I just about fell off my stool laughing.

So now you know! Cap forward = meets upscale formal bar dress code. Cap backwards = sloppy, too casual for a bar where daisy dukes on middle aged women are the norm.

Come for a visit...you know you want to.


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