The valium I took before surgery yesterday didn't really hit me until just after surgery. The D had to help me walk back to the car and I was CONCENTRATING VERY HARD ON ACTING SOBER which is always a sure sign that you are completely and absolutely stoned and or otherwise not sober.
I knew I was really really really stoned when I laid the seat back all the way in the car for the 45 minutes home and laughed for about twenty minutes. Laughed out of control type laughing. Why? Because the D had been singing "P-A-S-S-I-O-N, got me in the mood I'm in" (I have no idea why), and in my stoned state I was asking him why he was singing about fish in french, and what sort of mood french fish elicited. I thought I was very clever, and very very funny.
He did not.
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