Tuesday, January 07, 2003

You know I'm completely godless.

Well, maybe completely is overstating it.

Maybe "have no religious affiliation" is more accurate.

Stop being pedantic.

What I wanted to tell you is though I'm somewhat godless, it doesn't necessarily mean I don't sometimes envy those that have a strong faith.

I can only imagine the comfort they gain in putting their prayers out there to something they think is listening. Like those two nicely dressed young men that had parked their bikes for a moment besides the water/bird reserve near my house. They were both sitting and praying together. How nice.

Meanwhile, I'm setting up little scenarios on my desk with the box of guatemalan (or whatever) worry dolls I got from someone at somepoint (maybe my mom?). One is spanking another. Another young couple is engaged in the act of fellatio.



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