Last night I picked up another boy from the local animal shelter, and as usual I did it with delight. Now, for sure, I’m a bit of a crazy dog lady when it comes down to it… but I want to tell you why I’m so insane about dog rescue. I’m not doing it, strictly, for the dogs… honestly, I’m doing it for me. I do it because it makes me feel wonderful to look down at a living, breathing creature and think I’ve had some part in saving him/her from death. Can you understand what a complete ego-stroke that is for a person? I, me, les C have made a REAL life and death difference to a creature. Without ME that dog would otherwise be in the incinerator at this very moment.
Ok, strictly, I’m not the only one involved in the saving of the dog’s life. It’s a group effort, and I’m merely a very small part. Really, the majority of the credit goes to Sandra who works tirelessly to save the beagles and hounds that end up in kill shelters in this area (I’m working very hard right now to get a paypal donation link up for Sandra and will link to it here, please consider donating every now and then if you can). But, when I am involved in picking one up or fostering one I get the very real and immediate feedback that I did a good thing.
Getting the dog out of the shelter and somewhere away from that place, I take a moment to sit down on the ground with them and give them a cuddle. I’ll tell you what if feels like. After one look in their eyes, and one look at their usually ragged condition; at the moment that their tail first wags and they are not scared to look back at me? It’s like falling in love… you know that feeling of euphoria you get when you first meet someone you “click” with. Every. Single. Time.
For me, that “warm fuzzy” feeling is better than any psychotropic drug I’ve ever known.
So, here’s the moral of the story I want you to know: Are you feeling down in the dumps? Is your life a sad, sorry place? Do you wonder if you will ever feel happy again? Well, get out of your me-centric world and find something you care about and devote some time and effort to it. Don’t just talk about it, do it. Give not only of your money, but of your time. Throw yourself into it even if people think you are excessive. Trust me… suddenly your annoyances, your problems, and your thinking about the state of the world will shift. You will realize (again) that you are part of something bigger than yourself and you will realize that you can make a difference (even if it is only one dog at a time.)
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