Tuesday, August 20, 2002

I have not stopped slaving for days. Between dog mayhem, house projects mayhem, heat induced mayhem and social neighbours....well, I'm just plain pooped.

News of note: we ripped the fungus inducing carpet up in the second bathroom....we both feel cleaner already. I stained two side tables for the "family" room, on purpose.

We love having a house. It's freaking me out. I'm so domestic I'm scaring myself.

We've completely lost our sense of reality with the addition of Gracie the short - term (hopefully) foster. She's a lovely puppy and would love a family of her own.

Ollie is at the worst stage of his heartworm treatment...all those nasty worms are dying and moving to his lungs which makes him cough and gag...which just grosses all of us out.

We are spending way too much time and money at Lowe's.....I see that they just announced record earnings. I'd like to think we contributed to that...merry christmas stockholders.


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